Saturday, October 29, 2005

Doing It Doggie Style

Ruff. I'm the guest blogger for the day. Who am I? I'm DIAMONDKT's best buddy, his numero-uno, his furry four-legged friend to the end...I'm his dog. Some refer to me as a "bitch", but I am not offended by that language. After all, that is the correct term given to a female dog - a bitch. You humans are so silly with your insults. If you are called a bitch, take it as a compliment because that puts you on a high level with me! What more could you ask for? It's the sincerest form of flattery. Due to the fact that I lack thumbs, this post will be short since it's very difficult to type like this. I am giving my master the day off from blogging and in his absence, I am uploading a funny.

I need to say goodbye now because the urge to lick my own bum is sidetracking me. Thanks to by master for allowing me to blog and surf "kitty porn" on his computer today. It was almost as much fun as starring at him without blinking while he eats his dinner at night. If you see him around later, tell him I need some more beef jerky treats ASAP. Also, just between you and me...I have "selective hearing" when he calls my name. Hee-hee. I come when called only if it's for a good reason, otherwise I could care less what the guy wants, especially when I get into trouble. He is so easy to train!

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