Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Lucky Or Unlucky Number 7 - Tagging

You know the game tag from your childhood - tag you're it? Well this is a form of it for us big kids and it seems in the blogosphere people love/hate to play a game of tag. I don't think I've ever been "tagged" before and I never do tagging, but while visiting one of my favorite blogs by 'ka, I saw she tagged me. Ok so that means I'm it and here it is. I play along nicely with others and I'm a good sport, so if you want to see my answers to the blog game of tag, then read on.

Trump has what I want and what millions of men want - Melania Knauss.
Incredible body, beautiful face, sexy accent and a classy dresser.
There is no doubt in my mind that she's the total package.
She's The Donald's ultimate trophy wife and lately my top desire!

7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die: (not in order)

  • own a Ferrari
  • be able to sit back and not only say, but really feel that I am happy and satisfied with my life
  • travel around the world
  • cook a gourmet meal and have it actually turn out good
  • be able to take care of my family finically if need be and make sure they know I love them
  • I plan to die leaving no regrets behind

7 Things I Can Do:

  • dance
  • one handed pushups
  • say I love you
  • play piano without one lesson
  • hack virtually any computer/network - shh
  • dunk a basketball
  • get a woman off (laugh, it's funny...and true ;) )

7 Things I Can Not Do:

  • cook
  • sing
  • sit thru an opera
  • mend my own heart
  • understand what that look means that women give other women when out
  • swallow my gum without wondering what it is doing in my body
  • give myself oral (ha-ha, that was just in there for a joke, I never tried nor would I, not many people can)

7 Things That Attract Me To The Opposite Sex:

  • physically - beautiful eyes, big smile, tight stomach, nice butt, long hair, her scent, stylish dresser
  • personality - smart, sense of humor, laid back, adventurous, sexy way about her, outgoing, confidant
  • emotionally - how she talks softly in my ear, if she can make me feel loved, sincere, understanding, compassionate, sensitive but drama-free, horny (hey, you asked)

7 Things That I Say Most Often:

  • hey
  • what's up
  • take it easy
  • see ya
  • hmm
  • whatever
  • ok

7 Celebrity Crushes:

  • Jennifer Lopez (of course)
  • Trump's wife Melania Knauss
  • Claire Forlani (actress from Meet Joe Black)
  • Beyonce Knowles
  • Jessica Simpson
  • Miss Ohio from a few years back, my sister's friend/once roommate
  • I can't think of any more celebs I lust after

7 People I Want To Do This:

  • I won't torture any of you or make you feel obligated to play along. How about you participate if you want to and if you don't want to, then don't. Cool? I thought so. :)

Lastly I am asked to dig into my blog archive and find my 23rd post (or closest to). Find the 5th sentence (or closest to). Post the entire text of the sentence along with these instructions. Ponder it for meaning, subtext or hidden agendas. So here is mine from 01/23/05 First Real Snow Storm of 2005.

"That's fine with me though." - I'm guessing it means exactly what it says. I'm the type of person that says what he means and means what he says so there is little confusion. That sentence implied that I was ok with things, that I don't mind, I'm laid back, go with the flow and no big deal to me. That makes me pretty easy to get along with I think.

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