Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Croc Of Shit In New Orleans

Photos of a gigantic crocodile supposedly captured in the flooded streets of New Orleans, Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina are being circulated around the web and thru e-mail. Along with the photos, an attached message states that the crocodile was found in New Orleans swimming down the street! It measures 21 feet long, weighs 4,500 lbs and is expected to be around 80 years of age. Specialists said that he was looking to eat humans because he was too old to catch animals. The crocodile was killed by the Army and is currently in the freezer at the Azur Hotel. The contents of its stomach will be analyzed shortly. Now does this sound like a croc of shit to anyone else but me?

You know, I heard a different story. I heard that since "George Bush hates black people", that he captured this croc from Africa and let it go loose in New Orleans to eat up all the Hurricane Katrina victims! Wolf Blitzer will attest to this report. He said because the people there are "so poor and so black" that it doesn't matter if a man eating freak of nature croc "cleans the streets of all swimmers and floaters". True tale. Is my Pinocchio nose growing yet? Well for the guidable out there, here is the real story. The photos are real, but the tale that is attached is obviously false. These photos were not taken in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. They actually were taken in 2003 and document the capture of a 16-foot crocodile in Pointe-Noire, Republic of the Congo. The incident was covered in the July 17, 2003 edition of "La Semaine Africaine". Some versions of this message identify the beast as an alligator, making it an even less convincing hoax.

If you believed the first version of this story, then like the hurricane victims, you too need to put on your "shit kicker boots" because you are knee deep wading in it. If you believed my version of the story, then give yourself a pat on the back for having a sense of humor and knowing I was pulling (I mean eating) your leg. Doesn't the giant red flashing "bullshit alarm" ( I mean "crocshit alarm") go off in your head when you read things like this? If not, it certainly should.

Sorry about "word verification" being turn on lately. I am just getting crushed with spam comments on my blog all of the sudden. I tried turning it off during the daytime yesterday and within 2 minutes I had 10 spam posts. It's so irritating, but then so is having to type in that word verification. Not sure what to do, but for now it's turned on so I don't have to go in a delete spam constantly.

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