Thursday, May 19, 2005

The World Will End In 2006, The WWW That Is, Or Will It?

Could it be true? Could the Internet come crashing to an end in just less than a year away? One man thinks so and he blames online security as the causing killer! Professor Hannu H. Kari of the Helsinki University of Technology is a smart guy, but most people thought he was just being provocative when he predicted, back in 2001, that the Internet would shut down by 2006. Kari said "The reason for this will be that proper users' dissatisfaction will have reached such heights by then that some other system will be needed, unless the Internet is improved and made reliable." Last fall, Kari bolstered his prophecy with statistics. Extrapolating from the growth rates of viruses, worms, spam, phishing and spyware. He concluded that these, combined with "bad people who want to create chaos," would cause the Internet to "collapse!"...and he stuck to 2006 as the likely time.

So what do you think about this prediction? Is it a bunch of crap or could it be reality? Read the full article on "How To Save The Internet". A sad day it will be when your favotire site (my blog of course) ceases to exist.

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