Sunday, May 1, 2005

May I Recap And Preview On This First Day In May

Once again it's a new month here on the blog (ah, and in real life too). So as always I have to come up with something good to start off a fresh month of blogging. Therefore I post "a rambling" on the 1st of every month. Hmm, let's see what I shall write for May 1st. Well January was easy because it was day #1 of not only the new year, but also day #1 of my blog - first day I started blogging. February was me boosting of how I kept my New Year's resolution of continuing the blog for one solid month without quitting - an "achievement" I even thought wouldn't happen. It was also the breaking-in period of blogging on a daily bases. When March rolled in I felt like a seasoned vet, until I got a dose of reality. After what I refer to as the "V-Day Massacre", I posted about how I learned what NOT to do on a blog surrounding that day, week, pretty much the whole month. Needless to say, it was a very rocky February for me personally. On happy note, it was also the beginning of spring so I promised I was going to make changes for the better. Then on came April and with that April Fool's Day landing on the 1st - which means, I lucked out and used the holiday prank as my post. I got to excuse myself from doing a clever 1st of the month rambling write-up (clever move in itself).

What does this photo of J Lo have to do with this post? Absolutely nothing.
Does something this beautiful really need a reason to be posted? I think not.
Just pure eye candy. God I love her! Enjoy.

So now it's May and I have arrived with a total of 4 months of blogging, over 100 posts and roughly 1,000 comments (give or take) to my name. I am getting a bigger following by trying to reach a wider audience with a variety of material. All in all, not too bad for a rookie blogger I think. Well am I still a rook? I'm not sure. I do have some experience now and I have learned "the ins and the outs", "the good and the bad". Of course there is always room for improvement and some change when it comes to anything in life, blogging included. I'll do my best to keep this month fresh and interesting, even throwing in a few new additions which I will go over in a minute. First, how about I do a quick recap of the past month and what you can expect for May...

We saw the passing of the pope and inauguration on a new one to take his place. The 11th marked my 100th post milestone. I talked about addictions - to a video game called "Splinter Cell" and how to break blog addicts away from their computer. In sports, baseball season opened and the college hoops season closed with me cashing in on my office poll. I talked about 2 unique studies done - one about work productivity or the lack of it and the other about e-mail frying your brain to the level equivalency of a pot head's IQ. I embarrassed myself in a few posts by getting a little too girly and emotional, but I managed to bring the testosterone back up by spilling it all on Britney, virginity and lesbian sex. Then back to my feminine side with speaking out on how crazy I think people are who want to hunt domestic cats and I even pushed it as far as saving a little brown mouse's life. I had a beauty bare her lower back tat, blasted a child porn perv and even got a little political on Al Gore. As usual I talked about hacking and security issues, even linked to a fun online game to play. Although my favorite post has to be the man who hosted his site by running a webserver out of his ass - literally. Last but not least, I started my moblog! I think that about covers it. Oh yeah, this past month I was bashing my head alot against the keyboard in frustration towards the outages and buggy service. With all their technical problems occurring, shocked I posted as much I did.

Now what to expect for this new month of May? Well if I told you, it would spoil it. Although if I drop a few hints, just maybe you will want to come back to get the full details. So here are a few small hints. There will be more of what you are use to and grown to love (sounds cocky I know). Also this month there will be more moblogging and I am going to make the blog more "INTERACTIVE", and I don't just mean the comment section. Hmm, intrigued? Of course you are so you will have to return each day to see what it may be! You gotta love the suspense. It kills and feels good at the same time. Well I'm out of time now and out of words. 1st of the month ramble complete.

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