Saturday, May 7, 2005

Rodent Hair Cereal, Grrreat!

By popular demand, I've decided to turn a comment I made on someone else's blog into a full post on my blog. Ok, so it wasn't by popular demand. Only one person demanded it. Ok, I mean only one person suggested it. Either way, via demand or suggest by 1 or 100 people, here it is. I think you will find it informative and disgusting, a real eye opener to the business world practices of balancing supply and demand. Make your tuition payment out to "DIAMONDKT". School is now in session.

Forget Frosted Flakes...Introducing Furry Flakes!

Recently in the news a story broke about a little boy who found a 2 foot ALIVE snake slither out of his morning cereal box. Being a typical boy, I can't help but to think this kid wasn't phased that much and thought "cool". I also doubt it deterred him from finishing the cereal. Now you may of read this story and gasped, nearly fainting at the thought. You're thinking how could such a thing happen when the box is vacuum sealed for my protection and to ensure freshness? Well let me fill you in on a little lesson I learned in a college business course.

You know how people complain about the high price of a box of cereal? Well there is a reason it's so pricey and to be honest, if you wanted "clean" cereal (I'll explain what I mean by that in a minute), then you would be paying $20 a box! Now who would buy the cereal then? Ah, probably nobody. So that is why it's usually just under $5 a box...but there is a catch to keep that price down.

Rodent hairs. That's right, your box of cereal is allowed so many rodent hairs per box in order to safely pass the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) rules. What do I mean by that? Well like any food produced in bulk, it's done in large warehouses. The corn flakes or whatever cereal you are eating, gets prepared in huge mixing containers and laid on conveyer belts, ect. Now don't get me wrong, the people there have to wear hairnets, latex gloves and all that other sanitary attire. Although, unlike the cereal bags that are "vacuum sealed" for freshness, the warehouse where it was made is NOT "vacuum sealed". That means it's not uncommon for rodents to be running around from time to time and they shed = their hair blows into the cereal making process = it ends up blowing into your box/bowl of Frosted Flakes! Tony says they're grrreat! Who are you to second guess a tiger's best judgement?

This all sounds disgusting right? Well believe it. The reason this happens is because in order for companies like Kellogg's to run vacuum tight warehouses to ensure absolute cleanliness, it would require big $$$. That in turn you would pay for at the store. Your box of cereal would go from a few bucks up to $20 or more! So no I'm not surprised by this snake tale. Of course if I had to pick, I would rather have some rodent hairs in my mouth than a live snake.

See, I'm full of useless/usefull info and you thought I was just another pretty face - haha. Anyone hungry for breakfast now? Bon a petit.

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