Saturday, May 14, 2005

I Heart NY

Today I'm headed to the big apple, New York City. For those of you that didn't get the title of the post, the "I Heart NY" = "I Love NY". I tried to put an actual heart symbol, but Blogger saw it as HTML code and gave me an error message upon publishing. Anyways, usually I love going to NY but this visit I'm not too thrilled about. Then after that I'm headed back down the coast to Washington and Virginia to meet some people for an upcoming job. I can't give details since it's government related, so don't ask. I can however say it's CIA, FBI and NSA related. Cool huh? I'm looking forward to getting into it. The pay is almost double in terms of what I expected them to offer for a 6-8 week contract. So that is the good news for me and the bad news for you is I won't be around. Doubt you are crying but if you are, wait because here is your good news...

Since I will be out of town, that means I will be departing from the blogosphere as well. I will be uploading some posts now that I have already completed ahead of time. So those should hold everyone over in my absence. Hope you will miss me, probably not though. Until I return, see ya.

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