Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Moblog Driveby In LA

Kids don't try this at home. It's not exactly the safest/smartest thing to do while driving, but it sure makes for a cool photo right?

On side note, ever have your heart hurt so bad that you wish you could just take a knife, stab into it, pull it out and dice it up into little pieces to make it go away? Well I find myself feeling like that for the second time now in roughly 3 months. I can't put into words how much it sucks! Why am I sharing this? No reason except I thought maybe it would help myself to let that out. (Doesn't seem like it did any good for me though.) Anyone else been there and how have you dealt with it? I'm open to hearing your suggestions on this, hopefully in a supportive and kind way. Thanks. I'll shut my crying up now and get back to more happy posts for everyone.

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