Saturday, May 28, 2005


Lately I've been finding it difficult to post to my blog. I guess I am lacking the motivation more than I lack the material. I can think of things to post on, but for whatever reason I don't feel like sitting down and getting the words out. Perhaps the best thing is for me to not push myself if the "creative juices" aren't flowing and the will just isn't there. I think if I force myself to post something, #1 it wouldn't be that great to read and #2 I more than likely will find the blog to be more of a task than a fun activity. I don't want that to happen because if it becomes a chore, then I know for sure that I will just quit all together.

One solution is for me not to post on a daily basis, but then in the past I have always felt motivated enough to post regularly. I am just shy of the 6 month mark for the blog and I wonder if I grew out of the whole blogging "been there, done that" phase. Maybe 6 months was enough for me and now I'm done. I don't know. I guess time will tell. I kind of hope this is just a passing phase and I will be back to my blogging ways shortly. One thing is for sure, I can't be one of those crazy blog addicts if I am feeling like I can walk away and it won't be that big of a deal/lost for me.

Work has been busy lately and the weather is warming up everyday, so I'm sure that has to do with my lack of motivation when it comes to blogging. They say to "inspire yourself", you sometimes need to take a break and clear your mind. I might just do that and this weekend is the perfect opportunity for that. It's a 3 day weekend given the holiday and my sister is home visiting for the first time since last year. I want to spend some time with her and just relax - get away from blogging, computers and the everyday routine.

What I have posted the last few days has been long and I think too long for many to care to read. That is probably part of the reason the comment section has been slow, that and combined with the fact it's almost summer and a holiday weekend. Therefore as usual I am posting in advance for Sat, Sun and Mon. These posts will be short and maybe once Tuesday rolls around, I will find my motivation...and find the comment section active again. ;)

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