Friday, May 20, 2005

Pac-Man Turns 25

The little yellow pixilated guy that started it all, in terms of video games, is celebrating his 25th birthday this month. Arguably the most influential game in the industry's history (with Pong the only other real contender). Pac-Man has made more than $100 million dollars, one quarter at a time. He's spawned his own line of trading cards, lunch boxes, board games, breakfast cereals and more. My fondest memories are going to Pizza Hut as a kid and my oldest sister whopping ass on the Pac-Mac table styled arcade machine. We use to hope there was a long wait to be seated just so we could play...well so she could play. I was still pretty young to know what was going on and join in.

Pac-Man was introduced in 1980, but I didn't really get to play it until much later on the Atari 2600. Even though I will admit I wasn't all that great at the game, it was still alot of fun. I remember the whole family being amazed that there was this "video game" that you could play on a TV. Nobody could imagine what the next 10-20 years had in store for the world with the explosion of video games and the mainstreaming of the Internet. It's strange to look back and remember life like that.

I want to take a moment and apologize to Pac-Man and even Ms Pac-Man for forgetting their 21st birthdays. You know I would of loved to of taken you both out for 21 shots with Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde. We could of even sat at the bar and ate some of those cherries you were always fighting to get a taste of back in the 80s. Well you're 25 now, so happy birthday and I have a good feeling that video games wouldn't be what they are today without your "birth".

Enjoy this post because it could very well be the last you ever see of me on this blog. Just really sick of people bitching at me and butting into my personal life. Then they complain when I delete comments even though I state EXACTLY why I deleted certain ones. So whatever. Comments are open, alot of posts have been deleted and now everyone can leave me alone and find a new blog to cause a mess on. Thanks for making this blog such an enjoyable experience (sarcasm in case you didn't get it).

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