Friday, May 6, 2005

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Similar to the post I did last month titled "I Will Comply", this idea too was taken from another blog. When I read it, my mind began to churn and think of my own childhood. They say scent is the strongest scent tied to man (yes that is from the commercial) and I can't help but think sounds aren't far behind. So here is my list of what triggers my childhood memory when I hear certain sounds and breathe in certain smells. You can share your list in the comment section if you want.

Remember loving Pac-Man on the Atari 2600?


  • Pac-Man
  • lawnmower
  • diving board spring, then silence, then pool water splash
  • kids laughing
  • my dog's ID tags jingling
  • Trapper Keeper velcro
  • basketball being played
  • bicycle handbrake squeals
  • skateboards
  • my Mom yelling my name outside
  • Guns & Roses music (hey it was cool back then)
  • chirping crickets on a summer night
  • school bus
  • swing set creaking


  • Mr. Bubble
  • fresh cut grass
  • scent of brand new Nike shoes
  • puppy breath
  • Pink Pet eraser
  • crisp school text books
  • Crayola Crayons, Magic Markers, Elmer's Glue and Rubber Cement
  • Downey washed bed sheets
  • beer at a ballpark
  • x-mas wrapping paper
  • my Mom's turkey dinner
  • diesel fumes on my Dad's snowmobiling jacket
  • Nerf football
  • Wiffle Ball plastic bat
  • my cat's fur (from her litter box, smelled good/clean like perfume, honest

I didn't give credit above to my source as I should of. If you "steal" the idea/info, it's only fair to link back to the original source to where it came from. So my apologies to "fairygirl701" and props to her blog ;)

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