Tuesday, May 3, 2005

A Real Life Runaway Bride Causes Blog Buzz

Every now and then around the blogosphere there is a news story that sparks everyone's interest and causes a buzz. Since most blogs are personal by nature and many blogs deal with personal relationships, it's no surprise that the recent news story of the "Runaway Bride" is catching everyone's attention. Just a quick surf thru a few blogs and you will see people posting their thoughts, opinion and advice to the "Runaway Bride" Jennifer Wilbanks and her fiancée John Mason. I considered posting about this myself because I know people love to read, get involved and comment on a good "dumping" (cough), but for whatever reason I stayed out of it since I had other posts already done and ready for upload. Although one blogger who reads my site often, has a very well written post about this very topic on her blog. You can read EXSENO's post here and if you are interested, read my long rambling comments I had to say in response to it.

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