He felt his whole life was lived virtually - felt alone and out of touch with the real world. Hall was so distraught over this that he felt he was physically, emotionally and psychologically unable to separate his blogging love from having love with his girlfriend. (My question is how did a guy like this even get a girlfriend in the first place?) He honestly believed he had to CHOOSE between the two because each one was so consuming that he couldn't do both. To Hall, choosing between his blog and his girlfriend was a task he simple couldn't do. As the pressure of this dilemma weighed on his shoulders, he had an very emotional breakdown. Now for the real kicker...
What does an extreme blog addict do when they have a breakdown? Well capture it all on tape of course! I mean come on, he needs material for his blog to survive even if it means making a spectacle of himself and letting the world see how mentally ill he really is. I know hard to believe this, but it's all true and I have the tape to prove it! The original video titled "darknight" is taped much like a Blair Witch movie with extreme close-ups in the dark of this guy's tears and snots steaming. The version he posted on his site was 74MB in size and nearly 10 minutes long. Although around the net people had cut the film down to get it around 12MB which is the one I "partially" watched and is the same one I linked to above.
I'll admit I could only really sit thru the first 5 minutes, if that, of this kid. I call him a kid because I thought he was some teenager given his looks and his pimply, cracking pre-puberty voice. Also due to the fact that he is such a train wreck/emotional mess that I figured it was teen hormones going off in every direction. Then I learn the dude is 30! Wow, didn't see that coming. I guess no blaming the "teen years", sadly he's just a very unstable adult. In just the few first minutes of his video he proclaims (well the obvious)..."Something is wrong with me! Something is wrong with me! Something is wrong with me!" Ah yeah, you think so? He even goes as far as bawling to some friend of his on the phone. God love the poor guy on the other end of the line that had to listen to that.
I just couldn't force myself to view it all. Sorry, but not even for the sake of this blog write-up could I stomach the sheer craziness before me on my screen. I have to keep my sanity even if this guy didn't. So I dare you to watch all of it. Actually, just check out the first few minutes and I'm wiling to bet your jaw will be hanging open in disbelief that anyone could be this nuts. Then to actually film it and spread it on the net for all to see, that is unthinkable to me. In a way I feel bad for this guy. He is obviously sick and needs help. I mean I'm not knocking someone who has a breakdown. I know it happens and I also know that men do in fact cry sometimes. Although it's usually over normal things like a lost love, dead family member, ect. Who cries over their blog? Well at least one person does and his name is Justin Hall and this is his Dark Night.
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