Thursday, May 12, 2005

What Does This Mean?

It's past midnight here and even though I am tired, I can't fall asleep - I hate that. Due to the insomnia and a question on my mind, I thought I would take a minute to upload to the blog. I've posted about dreams before (Dream Interpretations and Analysis - Part I and Dream Interpretations and Analysis - Part II) and this post won't be as long as my past dream posts, but I do want to ask a question in hopes that someone reading this will know the answer. So "put your thinking caps on" (didn't you just hate that teacher saying in grade school?) because here goes.

What does it mean to dream that you have the strong taste of salt in your mouth? It's so strong and sickening that you want to spit. Sometimes I have this dream tied into an ocean dream. There I am struggling to avoid drowning as huge waves come over me. Now I know what the saliva and ocean drowning dreams mean and I even know what it means to dream about salting food. Although I have no idea what it means for me to just dream I have the strong and overwhelming taste of salt in my mouth. I wake up still tasting the salt because the dream seems real and after a few minutes it will go away. A couple times I just opt to go get a drink of water even though the salt taste is only in my "head" and not really in my mouth like the dream has me believe.

I've looked online for an answer to this and came up empty. Perhaps one of my psychology readers could have some insight on this for me. If so, I would love to hear it because I'm curious. All I did find out was that spitting in a dream signifies an aspect of yourself that you need to get rid of. Alternatively, spitting may represent anger and contempt. That makes sense to me, but who can help me out on what the meaning of the salt taste in my mouth would mean? One last thing, this has nothing to do with any salty food I ate before bed or anything dumb like that.

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