Wednesday, May 25, 2005

A Contending Underdog Prevails

So he might not be a "true underdog", but he certainly wasn't the heavy favorite that Manfredo was, although he pulled off the upset! What am I talking about? The grand finale of the reality show "The Contender". Yes, I know I said I don't watch alot of TV and the little TV that I do watch, I stay away from all these reality shows. Although I have also said before that I do love The Apprentice and The Contender. I got myself hooked on both of them just the second week they aired (tried to stay away from the premier so I could fight off the season long commitment to watching, but caved). I didn't get a post up for The Apprentice because frankly I wasn't motivated to do a write-up for it. Also that show carries a big audience so it was doubtful anyone wanted to read yet another Apprentice blog entry. The Contender on the other hand, I think Howard Stern and myself are the only two people alive that followed it. Why? I have no clue, but they say it had poor ratings throughout the season and more than likely won't return next year. Hmm, hard to believe that given the last fight was sold out in 5 MINUTES at Caesars Palace!

Las Vegas Pre-Fight Press Conference
Left: Peter "The Pride Of Providence" Manfredo, Jr (24-1, 10KOs)
Right: Sergio "The Latin Snake" Mora (15-3)

If you know me or have been reading my blog for awhile now, you know I am a huge boxing fan and a former boxer. Of course it's fitting that even if nobody else watched The Contender but myself, that I do a write-up on it...well for myself. After all, if you didn't watch or like the show, who wants to read my blog entry about it? Anyways, if for some reason you are the exception to this theory of mine and want to get the skinny on what went down last night live from Las Vegas, then this should catch you up to date. I'll give you all the necessary info needed so you too can sound like a an informed jock BSing around your office water cooler today.

First a quick overview of what the show was. It was a boxing reality show, but they focused more on the lives and personalities of the fighters rather than watching them train in the gym from week to week. You got to meet their families, hear their rough tales of struggling in life to make it as a boxer and blah blah, you get the idea. Basically they wanted the TV viewer to connect with these guys and to understand that heart matters more over skill when it comes to boxing. The men were split into 2 groups, East Coast and West Coast. In the final fight it was exactly that, East vs West - with Manfredo representing Providence, RI and Mora coming out of East Los Angeles, CA. All 16 boxers lived in one house together where each week a challenge was given to complete (an athletic event with a little mind strategy thrown in it). The winner of the challenge got to call out another boxer to fight. The losing fighter would then hang up his gloves and his dream would be over...well at least his dream of wining the show and getting the opportunity to fight at Caesars Palace for the 1 million dollar prize.

The 2 hour grand finale aired last night on NBC. Fighting first for a $200,000 purse (and no ladies not "purse" as in a Coach bag, purse as in cash) was Jesses Brinkley vs Alfonso Gomez. I was pulling for Jesses thru the entire season and in this last fight (he reminds me of a friend/sparrowing partner of mine). Unfortunately I had to agree with the judges as they awarded the win to Gomez. After that, it was time for the main event! Manfredo was the heavy favorite to win, but like I say when it comes to boxing, don't always bet on what the media predicts. You can't measure and put stats on a fighter's heart. More often than not, when a fighter is the "sure bet" in terms of winning, he comes into the ring perhaps a little over confident and too sure of himself - underestimating his opponent's skill and heart. This again held true last night. An "underdog fighter" has nothing to lose and everything to gain. You can see that in him from the opening bell as he comes out swinging like there is no tomorrow.

Never underestimate the heart of a champion.
(cheesy saying but true)

It was indeed one great fight! Lots of action, some blood and the crowd was in it ever minute of the way. What more could you ask for? They battled for 7 rounds toe to toe and despite the flurry of punches thrown, both fighters held their own and left the fight in the hands of the judges. Manfredo did have Mora against the ropes the majority of the fight, but that didn't stop The Latin Snake from slipping his way out and firing right back. In the end it was a unanimous decision in favor of Sergio Mora. I did feel one judge must of been watching a different fight than me because he had every round for Mora. To be fair, Manfredo won at least 2 of the 7 rounds, perhaps even 3 rounds but that was about it.

So congrats to Manfredo to making it that far and I can't help but feel he has nothing to hold his head down about. He has a beautiful wife (literally) and one of the cutest little daughters I've seen in some time. Like everyone else, I also noticed it appears his wife is expecting baby #2 as she was noticeable pregnant during the big fight. With that said, he already has much to smile about. Mora on the other hand is 1 million dollars richer! He plans using the money to help his Mom so she no longer has to work in a warehouse for a living. Mora is a professional boxer by occupation, so I am sure you will be seeing more of this fighter in the future. I'm happy for him. Seems like a good guy and fought hard to earn every penny of the big prize. I wish him luck in his continuing pursuit of a successful athletic career!

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