Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Super Size Me

It's no secret that America is the fattest nation. An overwhelming 60% of our population is overweight or obese. It's a growing epidemic and fast food chains and enormous portions are partially to blame. Statistics show that 2 out of every 3 adults are overweight or obese and 1 in every 4 children are overweight or obese. Those numbers are even higher in the fattest city, Houston. The movie "Super Size Me" has been out for a few years now and not until recently did I get a chance to watch it. It's a documentary about a man who runs an experiment to prove how fast food, in particular McDonald's, is harmful to your health. He does this by eating nothing but McDonald's food for 30 days straight, 3 times a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner. (feel the McGirgle rumbling low in your tummy)

The only rules are that he has to order everything at least once from the menu and has to agree to Super Sizing only when asked, which is almost always. He also has to live a rather lazy life of not much physical activity since the average American walks less than 1/2 mile a day, that's less than 5,000 steps. During this experiment you watch his health deteriorate, his body turn to flab and a host of other problems including an actual addiction developing towards the junk food. His body even rejects the food by vomiting just the second day into the experiment and then after about 20 days, he beings feeling heart palpatrations, like a heartattck!

Many facts are thrown out in the movie which are interesting. For example, 72% of all McDonald customers are overweight or obese. Did you know that even McDonald's salads contain as much fat as their Big Mac? The salad even contains sugar! In the movie some 1st graders are shown photos of George Washington, Jesus and Ronald McDonald. Only SOME of the kids could identify George Washington, NONE of the kids could identify Jesus, but ALL of them shouted Ronald McDonald when presented with his photo. Here are just a few of the things he goes thru from this experiment...

  • depression, headaches, eye strain, lethargic feeling, cravings, mood swings
  • weight increased from 180lbs to 210lbs
  • cholesterol went up 60 points
  • body fat percentage rose from 11% to 18%
  • he consumed 1lb of sugar and 12lbs of fat just from the 30 day McDonalds diet
  • his "sexual performance" dropped according to his girlfriend (lack of energy, erection problems)

So does he complete all 30 days of the experiment or does he throw in the towel, either by his own will or forced by doctors? I can't tell you. You will just have to watch the movie and find out for yourself. I will just say the ending results even shocked the physicians! Personally, just knowing you will turn into a fat ass and you won't be able to "get it up", is enough reason for me to driveby the drivethru places. Maybe after watching this movie more people will feel that way too.

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