Monday, May 30, 2005

Eat, Drink, Swim, Be Merry and Pay Respect

Today officially kicks off summer! Well maybe not according to your calendar, but in most people's minds Memorial Day marks the begining of summer and Labor Day marks the end of summer. Memorial Day weekend is the time all the pools and amusement parks open. It's also the time the ballparks pick up in terms of crowds and every Dad around the block fires up his grill. My personal favorite is that it's also the time when all the girls begin wearing less and less. Ah yes, summer time. Warm sun, the smell of sun tan lotion and a picnic or party going on nearly every weekend. Like many of you, this weekend I'll be attending a little backyard BBQ and pool opening. Of course here it's not expected to be as warm as it should, but nevertheless, it should be fun.

I have Monday off which is rare treat for me. That means I get to sleep-in - YES! I'm hoping Tuesday morning I feel refreshed from the long weekend, rather than hung-over and tired from the drinking and running around. Of course then again, feeling hung-over and tired isn't really a bad thing. It is just proof to yourself that you had alot of fun. See, I even found a positive side to hangovers and you thought there was no positive side to that. :P

I can't forget that besides the scantly clad ladies and weenie roasting going on, it's also a day of remembrance. A day to pay respect to those who have fought and died for the sake of this country. So as you are grabbing a second helping of fruit salad and cracking open another cold one, keep in mind there are thousands of men and women right now serving in Iraq who don't get to enjoy these festivities. Take a moment to pause and acknowledge the sacrifices they make on your behalf, give thanks to them for helping keep you safe. Happy Memorial Day everyone!

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