Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday The 13th

I just realized today is Friday the 13th. Maybe some of you didn't notice until now either. Perhaps it's in everyone's head that Friday the 13th is a bad luck day. I think my whole week has been Friday the 13th. So the big question is, has anyone had anything in particular bad/weird happen to them today or any past Friday the 13th? If so, do you even believe that today is suppose to be a "bad luck day"? Share a story if you have one, because I'm out of creative things to post and I lack the motivation to come up with anything better to say.

After all, I did just make 3 posts on a single day! That is a new record for me. Don't worry that is a rare occurrence and in no way will I turn into one of those crazy blog addicts that make 5-7 a day and spend hours doing it.

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