Monday, May 16, 2005

Bored At Work? Then Get Creative

There are tons of things you can do when your job turns boring and the minutes go by like hours. Why not go pester your IT guy and see what "toys" he has back there for you to play with? Go entertain yourself by constructing mind-blowing architectural sculptures out of spare computer parts. Here is just one great example, but I'm sure you can use your own imagination and make your own art pieces. Then display them for everyone in the company to enjoy. You might even want to turn it into an Olympic day between the cube workers and the office workers. Crawl underneath the arch using the same rules as the game limbo. Whoever gets a 50lbs monitor to crash on top of their head first is out. The last person with their skull still intact - WINS! Ah genius.

Now don't you wish I worked with you so you could partake in this? I know how to bring an office those creative ideas, be productive, build trust among co-workers and most importantly build office camaraderie.

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