Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Ruff Times

I didn't have the best Memorial Day weekend I'm afraid. My little buddy of the past 16 years experienced her first full blown seizer. It happened early Sunday morning and I really don't want to go into details on it because it bothers me to even think about it. I'll just say that it was a bad one. It lasted roughly 2 minutes and when she came to, she spent the next 15 minutes in complete shock running thru the house. She was literally climbing the walls, trying to bite me, knocking things over and making a very weird yelping noise - one that I never heard from her before even when she was hurt.

I immediately called the vet asking what to do and if I could bring her in. Of course since it was a Sunday, the regular vet's office is closed. So I was referred to one of the local animal hospitals. It wasn't exactly close by, but I found it ok and took about 20 minutes to get her there. By the time I arrived with her, she had finally calmed down and was more like herself. It was hard even getting her into the car because she was freaking out so much that she wouldn't even let me put the collar and leash on her. Instead I carried her with scratching and all.

To make a long story short since I'm not really in the mood to do a post on this, the doctor ran some blood work to try and determine what caused the seizure - after poisoning, head injury and a few other things were thrown out as a possible causes. The blood work came back fine with the exception of her kidney reading being just slightly low. I was told that is probably normal due to the fact she was a little dehydrated. Although the low reading on the test could be an early sign of kidney disease (which by the way is what our family cat died of a few years ago, not a pretty/good way for a pet to go). Since the blood work didn't tell us much, it is probably safe to assume that the seizure was caused by something in the brain. Therefore, at least for now, the vet diagnosed her with a "brain lesion". Even worse, it may also be a brain tumor that caused the seizure.

The thing is vets don't really have an answer on this. They can run an MRI on her (I hate to even think what that would cost), but all that would do is tell you what happened in the brain - what was affected. It won't really solve the problem and what good is it for me to know the exact cause if they can't fix it? Frustrating and very depressing. I'm hoping it's nothing that serious. She is old, so perhaps it will be a one time occurrence and that will be it. For now she is taking 2 different meds, one for the seizures and the other is a steriod. Then I have to take her to my regular vet in 2-3 weeks to see how she is doing. The good news is that I did get to take her home that day and she was fine the rest of Sunday and Monday. I always knew I was pretty attached to my dog. I mean I've had her since I was a kid, so it's expected. I just realized how much I do love the little fuzz ball when this happened. I know I can't stay at home and baby-sit her constantly, but for now I'm trying to stay home as much as I can, take her with me when I go out or check in on her. I guess I'm just a worried "Dad", but I have good reason to be I think.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Eat, Drink, Swim, Be Merry and Pay Respect

Today officially kicks off summer! Well maybe not according to your calendar, but in most people's minds Memorial Day marks the begining of summer and Labor Day marks the end of summer. Memorial Day weekend is the time all the pools and amusement parks open. It's also the time the ballparks pick up in terms of crowds and every Dad around the block fires up his grill. My personal favorite is that it's also the time when all the girls begin wearing less and less. Ah yes, summer time. Warm sun, the smell of sun tan lotion and a picnic or party going on nearly every weekend. Like many of you, this weekend I'll be attending a little backyard BBQ and pool opening. Of course here it's not expected to be as warm as it should, but nevertheless, it should be fun.

I have Monday off which is rare treat for me. That means I get to sleep-in - YES! I'm hoping Tuesday morning I feel refreshed from the long weekend, rather than hung-over and tired from the drinking and running around. Of course then again, feeling hung-over and tired isn't really a bad thing. It is just proof to yourself that you had alot of fun. See, I even found a positive side to hangovers and you thought there was no positive side to that. :P

I can't forget that besides the scantly clad ladies and weenie roasting going on, it's also a day of remembrance. A day to pay respect to those who have fought and died for the sake of this country. So as you are grabbing a second helping of fruit salad and cracking open another cold one, keep in mind there are thousands of men and women right now serving in Iraq who don't get to enjoy these festivities. Take a moment to pause and acknowledge the sacrifices they make on your behalf, give thanks to them for helping keep you safe. Happy Memorial Day everyone!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

The Language Of Love

The Japanese are smart people and after seeing this, you will agree with me in saying - brilliant! Image taken from one of by favorite blogs "To Talk In Sudden OutBursts".

Saturday, May 28, 2005


Lately I've been finding it difficult to post to my blog. I guess I am lacking the motivation more than I lack the material. I can think of things to post on, but for whatever reason I don't feel like sitting down and getting the words out. Perhaps the best thing is for me to not push myself if the "creative juices" aren't flowing and the will just isn't there. I think if I force myself to post something, #1 it wouldn't be that great to read and #2 I more than likely will find the blog to be more of a task than a fun activity. I don't want that to happen because if it becomes a chore, then I know for sure that I will just quit all together.

One solution is for me not to post on a daily basis, but then in the past I have always felt motivated enough to post regularly. I am just shy of the 6 month mark for the blog and I wonder if I grew out of the whole blogging "been there, done that" phase. Maybe 6 months was enough for me and now I'm done. I don't know. I guess time will tell. I kind of hope this is just a passing phase and I will be back to my blogging ways shortly. One thing is for sure, I can't be one of those crazy blog addicts if I am feeling like I can walk away and it won't be that big of a deal/lost for me.

Work has been busy lately and the weather is warming up everyday, so I'm sure that has to do with my lack of motivation when it comes to blogging. They say to "inspire yourself", you sometimes need to take a break and clear your mind. I might just do that and this weekend is the perfect opportunity for that. It's a 3 day weekend given the holiday and my sister is home visiting for the first time since last year. I want to spend some time with her and just relax - get away from blogging, computers and the everyday routine.

What I have posted the last few days has been long and I think too long for many to care to read. That is probably part of the reason the comment section has been slow, that and combined with the fact it's almost summer and a holiday weekend. Therefore as usual I am posting in advance for Sat, Sun and Mon. These posts will be short and maybe once Tuesday rolls around, I will find my motivation...and find the comment section active again. ;)

Friday, May 27, 2005

10 Tech News Stories & Other Tidbits Of Interest

I have a bunch of little things to share today, but none that are worthy of their own separate post. Therefore I decided to combine all these pieces and put them into one solo post. Enjoy!

Cool T-Shirt
I bought this t-shirt from the Moddified Madness car show. Since I'm into speed bikes and anything that risks life and limb, I thought this shirt was fitting for me. It reads "The best things in life are DANGEROUS". My Mom will be sure to hate it.

Download Tiger OS X 10.4
Asking for a little help from those of you that download torrents, especially those of you that have downloaded Tiger. I attempted to download it the other night and canceled the transfer after about 30 minutes of the 1KB per second speed I was getting from over 30 seeds. That just doesn't make sense why it's so slow. Anyone else have this problem and if so, what was your solution? 2.5GB ISO image file name: 04.17.05.Mac.OS.X.10.4.Tiger-XiSO.torrent

BitTorrent Search Engine
The creator of BitTorrent has created a search engine for torrents at www.bittorrent.com

Kevin Rose Bids Farewell
Co-host of "Attack Of The Show", formerly "The ScreenSavers", has announced he is breaking his 4 year contract and calling it quits at the G4 network. Personally I am glad to hear it as G4 has literally destroyed the once informative and entertaining TechTV. Kevin now will be devoting more time to his web cast show Systm (similar to his other site thebroken.org) and also working with the old TechTV staff on the podcast radio show TWIT (This Week In Tech).

Your Chance To Meet Bill Gates
You could meet the chairman of Microsoft, but you'll have to profess a passion for Windows first. Microsoft is looking for true stories about people using Windows computers to pursue a passion or hobby. The company plans to use them in a marketing blitz tied to the 20th anniversary of Windows' debut. To entice essay submissions, Microsoft is offering a number of prizes, including the chance to meet Gates in Seattle and appear in the ad campaign. Other prizes include an overseas trip with National Geographic Expedition, VIP access to a major movie premiere and a home makeover with an HGTV designer. For more details and how you can enter, visit www.startsomethingamazingawards.com

Sex In Public Places
On my local TV news station the other day they had a report on "the top public places to have sex around the city". They set up hidden cameras to catch people in the act and then announced where the best locations were. No joke. I am trying to find the link to that report and I will post it when/if I come across it...I'll be taking notes. ;)

Crotch Rocket Hacking
Combine two of my loves, motorcycles and hacking, then wait for my eyes to light up! This is an interesting article for all the biker boys out there. A Ninja ZX-6R (my last bike was a ZX-12R) is modded/hacked in a step-by-step guide to give you an extra 10hp. You gotta love more speed!

2 New IM Viruses
AOL's AIM instant messaging software has a worm that takes all your buddies from the infected user and then sends instant messages to all your buddies with a message like this, "Hey check this out," and when a user clicks on the link the computer is infected. On computers where the infection is good the worm creates a backdoor into Internet Relay Chat to run and download files at the attacker's request giving remote access to that PC. The effects of this worm are nothing to worry about because it is just a nuisance as of right now. The names of these worms given by antivirus companies are "Oscarbot-B" and "Doyorg".

Never ones to miss out on the opportunity to hijack some popular culture to spread their evil wares, virus makers have been attacking IM services with a worm and phishing scam around the new Star Wars movie, "Revenge of the Sith". AOL Instant Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger users have reportedly been targeted by the virus. In the case of the AOL worm, the message text adds: "hehe, i found this funny movie." The word "this" is a hyperlink. The Yahoo! message references "StarGames" in the link. The AOL message downloads malicious code which experts warn could grant someone control over your computer - the Yahoo! one, meanwhile, is a phishing scam redirecting to a page which looks like Yahoo! and encourages visitors to enter personal details. McAfee warned there had only been one report of the AOL worm in the wild so far, but it could spread over the coming days.

Underground Info Developing AIM 6/Triton
Justin Uberti's "Tales of a Running Man" blog has become a prime news source for developments involving the popular instant message application known as AOL Instant Messenger (AIM). This spotlight only brightened after news broke of an AIM Triton Beta being released to the general public. Being one of the key people on the development of AIM Triton, Justin answered a few questions regarding AOL Instant Messenger. Throughout the interview, Justin is very frank and to the point. With discussion on AIM's past failures and future goals.

Visit Tales of a Running Man blog and read the interview.

I have a new talent, discovered it last weekend. I think you will be as surprised as I was. I'll post about it in the near future, so be sure to check back!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Man Video Blogs His Emotional "Breakdown"

This was just too messed up not to watch and post on my blog. So as promised, I am doing a follow-up post about one of the "trippy tales" (the 3rd one to be exact) from my blog entry the other day titled More Blog Addicts, Trippy Tales. Back in January, 30-year-old Justin Hall had hit a blogging milestone of his own. He had been blogging for no less than 11 straight years! He was so devetoed to his blogging lifestyle that barely anything went by that he didn't feel the need to post about. Hall was so wrapped up in this virtual world that he began tripping out, literally.

He felt his whole life was lived virtually - felt alone and out of touch with the real world. Hall was so distraught over this that he felt he was physically, emotionally and psychologically unable to separate his blogging love from having love with his girlfriend. (My question is how did a guy like this even get a girlfriend in the first place?) He honestly believed he had to CHOOSE between the two because each one was so consuming that he couldn't do both. To Hall, choosing between his blog and his girlfriend was a task he simple couldn't do. As the pressure of this dilemma weighed on his shoulders, he had an very emotional breakdown. Now for the real kicker...

What does an extreme blog addict do when they have a breakdown? Well capture it all on tape of course! I mean come on, he needs material for his blog to survive even if it means making a spectacle of himself and letting the world see how mentally ill he really is. I know hard to believe this, but it's all true and I have the tape to prove it! The original video titled "darknight" is taped much like a Blair Witch movie with extreme close-ups in the dark of this guy's tears and snots steaming. The version he posted on his site was 74MB in size and nearly 10 minutes long. Although around the net people had cut the film down to get it around 12MB which is the one I "partially" watched and is the same one I linked to above.

I'll admit I could only really sit thru the first 5 minutes, if that, of this kid. I call him a kid because I thought he was some teenager given his looks and his pimply, cracking pre-puberty voice. Also due to the fact that he is such a train wreck/emotional mess that I figured it was teen hormones going off in every direction. Then I learn the dude is 30! Wow, didn't see that coming. I guess no blaming the "teen years", sadly he's just a very unstable adult. In just the few first minutes of his video he proclaims (well the obvious)..."Something is wrong with me! Something is wrong with me! Something is wrong with me!" Ah yeah, you think so? He even goes as far as bawling to some friend of his on the phone. God love the poor guy on the other end of the line that had to listen to that.

I just couldn't force myself to view it all. Sorry, but not even for the sake of this blog write-up could I stomach the sheer craziness before me on my screen. I have to keep my sanity even if this guy didn't. So I dare you to watch all of it. Actually, just check out the first few minutes and I'm wiling to bet your jaw will be hanging open in disbelief that anyone could be this nuts. Then to actually film it and spread it on the net for all to see, that is unthinkable to me. In a way I feel bad for this guy. He is obviously sick and needs help. I mean I'm not knocking someone who has a breakdown. I know it happens and I also know that men do in fact cry sometimes. Although it's usually over normal things like a lost love, dead family member, ect. Who cries over their blog? Well at least one person does and his name is Justin Hall and this is his Dark Night.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

A Contending Underdog Prevails

So he might not be a "true underdog", but he certainly wasn't the heavy favorite that Manfredo was, although he pulled off the upset! What am I talking about? The grand finale of the reality show "The Contender". Yes, I know I said I don't watch alot of TV and the little TV that I do watch, I stay away from all these reality shows. Although I have also said before that I do love The Apprentice and The Contender. I got myself hooked on both of them just the second week they aired (tried to stay away from the premier so I could fight off the season long commitment to watching, but caved). I didn't get a post up for The Apprentice because frankly I wasn't motivated to do a write-up for it. Also that show carries a big audience so it was doubtful anyone wanted to read yet another Apprentice blog entry. The Contender on the other hand, I think Howard Stern and myself are the only two people alive that followed it. Why? I have no clue, but they say it had poor ratings throughout the season and more than likely won't return next year. Hmm, hard to believe that given the last fight was sold out in 5 MINUTES at Caesars Palace!

Las Vegas Pre-Fight Press Conference
Left: Peter "The Pride Of Providence" Manfredo, Jr (24-1, 10KOs)
Right: Sergio "The Latin Snake" Mora (15-3)

If you know me or have been reading my blog for awhile now, you know I am a huge boxing fan and a former boxer. Of course it's fitting that even if nobody else watched The Contender but myself, that I do a write-up on it...well for myself. After all, if you didn't watch or like the show, who wants to read my blog entry about it? Anyways, if for some reason you are the exception to this theory of mine and want to get the skinny on what went down last night live from Las Vegas, then this should catch you up to date. I'll give you all the necessary info needed so you too can sound like a an informed jock BSing around your office water cooler today.

First a quick overview of what the show was. It was a boxing reality show, but they focused more on the lives and personalities of the fighters rather than watching them train in the gym from week to week. You got to meet their families, hear their rough tales of struggling in life to make it as a boxer and blah blah, you get the idea. Basically they wanted the TV viewer to connect with these guys and to understand that heart matters more over skill when it comes to boxing. The men were split into 2 groups, East Coast and West Coast. In the final fight it was exactly that, East vs West - with Manfredo representing Providence, RI and Mora coming out of East Los Angeles, CA. All 16 boxers lived in one house together where each week a challenge was given to complete (an athletic event with a little mind strategy thrown in it). The winner of the challenge got to call out another boxer to fight. The losing fighter would then hang up his gloves and his dream would be over...well at least his dream of wining the show and getting the opportunity to fight at Caesars Palace for the 1 million dollar prize.

The 2 hour grand finale aired last night on NBC. Fighting first for a $200,000 purse (and no ladies not "purse" as in a Coach bag, purse as in cash) was Jesses Brinkley vs Alfonso Gomez. I was pulling for Jesses thru the entire season and in this last fight (he reminds me of a friend/sparrowing partner of mine). Unfortunately I had to agree with the judges as they awarded the win to Gomez. After that, it was time for the main event! Manfredo was the heavy favorite to win, but like I say when it comes to boxing, don't always bet on what the media predicts. You can't measure and put stats on a fighter's heart. More often than not, when a fighter is the "sure bet" in terms of winning, he comes into the ring perhaps a little over confident and too sure of himself - underestimating his opponent's skill and heart. This again held true last night. An "underdog fighter" has nothing to lose and everything to gain. You can see that in him from the opening bell as he comes out swinging like there is no tomorrow.

Never underestimate the heart of a champion.
(cheesy saying but true)

It was indeed one great fight! Lots of action, some blood and the crowd was in it ever minute of the way. What more could you ask for? They battled for 7 rounds toe to toe and despite the flurry of punches thrown, both fighters held their own and left the fight in the hands of the judges. Manfredo did have Mora against the ropes the majority of the fight, but that didn't stop The Latin Snake from slipping his way out and firing right back. In the end it was a unanimous decision in favor of Sergio Mora. I did feel one judge must of been watching a different fight than me because he had every round for Mora. To be fair, Manfredo won at least 2 of the 7 rounds, perhaps even 3 rounds but that was about it.

So congrats to Manfredo to making it that far and I can't help but feel he has nothing to hold his head down about. He has a beautiful wife (literally) and one of the cutest little daughters I've seen in some time. Like everyone else, I also noticed it appears his wife is expecting baby #2 as she was noticeable pregnant during the big fight. With that said, he already has much to smile about. Mora on the other hand is 1 million dollars richer! He plans using the money to help his Mom so she no longer has to work in a warehouse for a living. Mora is a professional boxer by occupation, so I am sure you will be seeing more of this fighter in the future. I'm happy for him. Seems like a good guy and fought hard to earn every penny of the big prize. I wish him luck in his continuing pursuit of a successful athletic career!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

More Blog Addicts, Trippy Tales

In my 2nd installment of blog addiction, I bring you this post. As you may remember I did a post back on 04/23/05 that was titled Obsessive Blogger Addiction = Blogger Burnout. This type of thing is being talked about more and more on the net these days and yet I still have a hard time believing anyone could get this bad. As you will notice, my comments are in red. Sit back and be prepared to hear yet more tales of "freaks". You are now entering a blogger's Twilight Zone!

Tale #1
Blogger Amy Sherman recently woke up at 4AM in a panic! Why wasn't her food blog getting as much traffic as others? "I daydream about the blog throughout the day... I worry about it at night. I sometimes put as much energy into it as my job," said Sherman, 40, a self-employed marketing consultant in San Francisco who makes NO money from her blog.
And you are panicking over a profitless/trafficless food blog because?

Tale #2
San Jose, CA blogger Rachel Pottol writes about life with toddlers. She CONSTANTLY composes blog posts in her head for her site. As she goes through her day, the 26-year-old makes mental notes: her daughter being entranced by the "Happy Birthday" song, her arguments with her husband, her work as a mother's helper. She set up Internet access on her cell phone just so she can check e-mail hourly for reader comments! "It's a way for me to connect with other moms," she said. "I feel like it's my job to keep these people entertained."
Look into being a clown if you want "a job entertaining people".

Tale #3
The blogosphere was abuzz in January after Justin Hall, a LA Internet junkie, posted a video of himself having a self-described "breakdown." In a wrenching 10-minute video, Hall, who has kept an online journal for 11 years, cries and agonizes whether he has lived too much of his life virtually. The episode arose because the woman he loves didn't want him to blog about their relationship and he believed he had to choose between her and his "art." "I think the web makes me not alone," said Hall, 30, in his video entry. "I feed it my intimacies and the web is my constant connection to something larger than myself." He's now reassessing the balance in his life and has stopped blogging for the moment. "I was living too much in the electronic world," he said in an interview. "I could sit on the computer all day, but it's not the same as being with a girl and smelling her hair."
Thank god you woke up! Can't believe you would struggle over keeping the girlfriend or keeping the blog...unless of course she was a real b*tch. Then pick the blog. Also, never ever (I can't emphasize enough) videotape yourself having a breakdown. Then you post it on the Internet for all to see! What were you thinking?

Tale #4
Dave Pell, a San Francisco angel investor, fits the bill. He juggles three blogs (one about technology, another about politics and a third about, well...blogs). Addiction, he said, is the only explanation for why he started the latest, the Blog Blog and posts more than a dozen times a day! "It's involuntary for me at this point. It's a part of who I am." Pell, 38, said he attends events he might otherwise pass up - so he can blog about them.
More than a dozen posts a day dude? Get a life. Don't walk, RUN to the nearest mental health facility because that is really f*cked up!

Tale #5
For some, keeping a blog subtly colors every aspect of life. Renee Blodgett carries a digital camera wherever she goes to capture images for Down the Avenue, which mixes notes on San Francisco, technology and poetry. She walked into a cafe recently and caught herself paying attention to the colors, sounds and people. "I was thinking how I could turn it into a post," said Blodgett, who is in her mid-30s. "Before, I'd just sit down, have my bowl of soup and zone out."

Yet Blodgett worries whether the blog will make her less social. "Will I become more engaged with my laptop, more engaged with my blog than I am with people?" she said. For Sherman, her blogging obsession is tied into sharing her food passion with others. When she went on a three-week Mexican vacation in December, she planned her family's itinerary around getting to an Internet cafe. "When I'm on vacation, I fear I'll lose visitors or people will forget about me," Sherman said. "I feel a sense of responsibility. I have a readership, a public, people who care if I stop writing. That drives me."
Ok I thought you were sane until I read that you arrange vacation plans around the blogging. At that part of the tale, I lost hope in you. Personally, I think vacation = no computer or work calls, ect.

Are you a blog addict? Take the test.
Among bloggers, addiction is a running joke. One even offered a checklist: You are addicted to blogging if you answer "yes" to the following questions...

  • Do you think about everything in terms of whether it will make a good blog entry? Ah, no.
  • Do you keep your computer in standby mode beside your bed and wake up at 2AM to blog? Good god, no!
  • Do you skip lunch and blog instead? Uh oh, I have...but ONLY if I wasn't truely hungry and had nothing better to do. Not to worry, it was a one time occurrence and won't happen ever again. I promise.

Is it just me or is it odd that all of these tales are from CA people? Not knocking Californians, but perhaps the bloggers out there need to find something more to do with their lives instead of feeding their blog disorders. Seek some help people, seriously. I am sure there are more of you out there. These are just the tales of the few brave blog addicts that stepped forward and "blogged" about their sickness. Ironic huh?

Monday, May 23, 2005

Modified Madness Import Car Show

Over the weekend I attended an import car show called "Modified Madness" (www.modifiedmadness.com). The event took place at the Bryce Jordan Center on the Penn State University campus in State College. It took a couple hours to get there, but it was fun and worth the drive. It is part of the big auto show knows as "Cars At Carlise". If you are into cars and motorcycles of any kind, then you are probably familiar with the name Carlise. Modified Madness contained all your typical events such as drag races, dyno runs, audio competition, burnout contest, the after party and of course the car show and judging. There were a few celebrity guests as well as tons of product vendors on hand. Some of it was a little too "ricey" for my tastes, meaning, if you want a sports car - buy a sports car. No matter how much you mod that Civic, it's still not fast. So more bling than real performance modding I don't care for. Although overall I can't really complain in terms of enjoying the event.

name the mystery ride ;)

Here are a few snapshots from the show. Top left: A classic black beauty Nissan 350Z. Perhaps my next car, but I have a couple other cars in mind that I'm currently looking into. If it was me, I wouldn't do chrome wheels on the Z since the accents (door handle, ect) on the car are a bright/brushed silver. A wheel with the bright/brushed silver paint would be more complementary and it could use the Nismo kit...or at least in my opinion. Top right: An H2 disgrace! I thought this Hummer looked like sh*t. I hope you agree that this is modding gone bad, very bad. Bottom left: Bikini-Beauty Contest! Let me pick the winners. I liked #9 the best followed by #4, of course they won in that order. I should of been the judge on sexy women. I can pick them right every time! Bottom right: A stunt motorcycle show performed by the "StarBoyz". It wasn't bad, but I've seen better tricks. Click on the thumbnails for larger photos.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Sony PlayStation 3 Unveiled

Sony released details of its upcoming gaming console, PlayStation 3, at a reception at Sony Pictures in Culver City on Monday afternoon. The announcement follows last week's unveiling of Microsoft's Xbox 360 and the expected announcement of a new Nintendo console on Tuesday. Through several demos, the company showed a major advance in gaming from the PlayStation 2, including a boxing game demo from EA Sports so life-like that when punches were thrown one could clearly see the skin of the boxer ripple from the punch!

Sony's new console will fully support the company's proprietary Blu-ray format for its gaming discs, the same format the company is pushing for next generation DVDs. Most importantly, for those with many PlayStation games, the PS3 is backward compatible with both PlayStation and PS2 games. The PS3 will use a Cell processor built by IBM running at a speed of 3.2 GHz. Sony claims that this processor is nearly twice as fast as the Xbox 360 CPU running at the same speed due to Cell technology. Powering the graphics within the new console is a chip that Nvidia custom built for the PS3. The two companies will bring something called the RSX Graphics Processor, which will allow for life-like game characters and scenes. It will enable the PS3 to power up to 2000 by 1000 pixels in real-time and take advantage of high-definition televisions for gaming - up to two of them for a 32:9 aspect ratio. Due to the power available with the new console, gamers will now be able to listen to digital music, watch video or look at photos, use the PS3 video communication, and access the Internet even while gaming.

If you didn't understand all those tech specifications, don't worry. In short, the Ps3 will kick ass! And did I mention it will have wireless controllers (it's about time) and wireless networking capabilites? Sony expects the console to be available in the spring of 2006. I'll be buying one and you should too. ;)

Saturday, May 21, 2005

J Lo Is People Magazine's Most Beautiful Woman

Here is an award that is well overdue. To be honest I don't read People magazine so maybe she won this award before, but this is the first year I really stumbled across the news. If you know me or have been reading my blog, you know I am obsessed with Jennifer Lopez. I think she is super hot and I don't care if everyone says she's a royal b*tch in person...I still love her! So here is one of the many beautiful photos in celebration of her being named as "The Most Beautiful Woman of 2005". Congrats!

For a sexier, less dressed photo, scroll down the blog to the May 1st post.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Pac-Man Turns 25

The little yellow pixilated guy that started it all, in terms of video games, is celebrating his 25th birthday this month. Arguably the most influential game in the industry's history (with Pong the only other real contender). Pac-Man has made more than $100 million dollars, one quarter at a time. He's spawned his own line of trading cards, lunch boxes, board games, breakfast cereals and more. My fondest memories are going to Pizza Hut as a kid and my oldest sister whopping ass on the Pac-Mac table styled arcade machine. We use to hope there was a long wait to be seated just so we could play...well so she could play. I was still pretty young to know what was going on and join in.

Pac-Man was introduced in 1980, but I didn't really get to play it until much later on the Atari 2600. Even though I will admit I wasn't all that great at the game, it was still alot of fun. I remember the whole family being amazed that there was this "video game" that you could play on a TV. Nobody could imagine what the next 10-20 years had in store for the world with the explosion of video games and the mainstreaming of the Internet. It's strange to look back and remember life like that.

I want to take a moment and apologize to Pac-Man and even Ms Pac-Man for forgetting their 21st birthdays. You know I would of loved to of taken you both out for 21 shots with Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde. We could of even sat at the bar and ate some of those cherries you were always fighting to get a taste of back in the 80s. Well you're 25 now, so happy birthday and I have a good feeling that video games wouldn't be what they are today without your "birth".

Enjoy this post because it could very well be the last you ever see of me on this blog. Just really sick of people bitching at me and butting into my personal life. Then they complain when I delete comments even though I state EXACTLY why I deleted certain ones. So whatever. Comments are open, alot of posts have been deleted and now everyone can leave me alone and find a new blog to cause a mess on. Thanks for making this blog such an enjoyable experience (sarcasm in case you didn't get it).

Thursday, May 19, 2005

The World Will End In 2006, The WWW That Is, Or Will It?

Could it be true? Could the Internet come crashing to an end in just less than a year away? One man thinks so and he blames online security as the causing killer! Professor Hannu H. Kari of the Helsinki University of Technology is a smart guy, but most people thought he was just being provocative when he predicted, back in 2001, that the Internet would shut down by 2006. Kari said "The reason for this will be that proper users' dissatisfaction will have reached such heights by then that some other system will be needed, unless the Internet is improved and made reliable." Last fall, Kari bolstered his prophecy with statistics. Extrapolating from the growth rates of viruses, worms, spam, phishing and spyware. He concluded that these, combined with "bad people who want to create chaos," would cause the Internet to "collapse!"...and he stuck to 2006 as the likely time.

So what do you think about this prediction? Is it a bunch of crap or could it be reality? Read the full article on "How To Save The Internet". A sad day it will be when your favotire site (my blog of course) ceases to exist.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Pulling An All-Niter, But Not "The Good Kind" Unfortunately

Nothing like 80mg of caffeine to shock your body and keep you going during sleep deprivation. Mix Red Bull with some good vodka and you have yourself a tasty treat, or some call poison. Cheers.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Home Sweet Home

I'm not sure if that is an appropriate title for this post, but nevertheless I will be arriving back home tonight. Anyone miss me? Just kidding. I would of loved to of had a travel companion on the 4 day trip, but sometimes life doesn't work like that. Anyways, I just thought I would post something while I have a spare minute. I'm sure everyone is getting tired of looking at the same post for nearly a week. Perhaps tonight I will upload something to the blog, a moblog picture maybe. If not tonight, then tomorrow. It's been a rather interesting trip and I'm a bit beat so don't expect anything elaborate in terms of a witty write-up from me. Sorry, I'll work on something better as soon as motivation hits me.

Motorcycle Mania

A few random pics to share. (I had to edit them after upload because the size was too large. So they aren't as good as the other photos I had up, but these are close to the same thing.)

Be a real man, please.

No feet, No fear

One word: Speed

Monday, May 16, 2005

Bored At Work? Then Get Creative

There are tons of things you can do when your job turns boring and the minutes go by like hours. Why not go pester your IT guy and see what "toys" he has back there for you to play with? Go entertain yourself by constructing mind-blowing architectural sculptures out of spare computer parts. Here is just one great example, but I'm sure you can use your own imagination and make your own art pieces. Then display them for everyone in the company to enjoy. You might even want to turn it into an Olympic day between the cube workers and the office workers. Crawl underneath the arch using the same rules as the game limbo. Whoever gets a 50lbs monitor to crash on top of their head first is out. The last person with their skull still intact - WINS! Ah genius.

Now don't you wish I worked with you so you could partake in this? I know how to bring an office together...network those creative ideas, be productive, build trust among co-workers and most importantly build office camaraderie.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

AOL Gives AIM An Extreme Makeover

America Online is giving its AIM instant messaging software a complete overhaul, including a major redesign of the user interface and a remodeled underlying code architecture. The user interface is being altered to take into account that instant messaging now goes beyond simple PC-to-PC text exchanges and also includes video and audio communication, as well as connections with wireless devices. Meanwhile, the code architecture is being transformed to integrate into the product some important software advancements that have become available in recent years. A early beta version of this next-generation AIM, code-named Triton, is now available for free download at www.beta.aol.com

The early beta is the first of many steps taken to improve this application. Over the coming months going into the fall what you'll see is that every few weeks there will be an incremental improvement made to the product. By the end of the fall, it will be more than a beta, more of a full product that people will feel comfortable upgrading to and recommending as a next step for AIM. Before Triton exits its beta or test phase, there will be one last upgrade to the current AIM 5.9 software, an initiative that isn't related to the Triton project.

AOL is designing a light and clean Triton interface that makes it easier to organize multiple simultaneous AIM communications. AOL noticed that users often are communicating with nine or 10 people simultaneously, using text messaging with some and voice chat and video chat with others. To that end, the Triton user interface features tabs to easily toggle among ongoing sessions with multiple people and among different communications options, such as text messaging, voice chat, file transfers or online games. AOL continues to work on a way for people to organize their AIM experience. The Triton user interface helps you eliminate a lot of the clutter and lets you organize your communications a lot more effectively.

Regarding the underlying architecture, AIM is getting rebuilt "from the ground up," baking into it the latest networking, code development and code compiler technologies, with the ultimate goal of extending the functionality of the application and making it easier to use. It allows alot of configuration and quality of service and management on behalf of the user so that all they have to do is decide: who do I want to reach and how do I want to communicate with them. Other specific new features in Triton include: multiparty voice chat, whereas the current AIM software only supports one-to-one voice chat, an IM Catcher feature that intercepts messages from senders not on the user's contact list and lets the user preview the message and decide whether to accept it, ignore it or report it to AOL as an unsolicited commercial instant message otherwise know as "spim".

Downloading the Triton beta will not remove AIM 5.9 from users' machines, nor should users remove AIM 5.9 manually either, since the Triton beta lacks some key AIM features, such as live video instant messaging and file transfer and as is common with software in test phase, it has bugs. A list of these "known issues" can be found at the AOL Beta site. This current Triton beta only works on Windows XP PCs.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

I Heart NY

Today I'm headed to the big apple, New York City. For those of you that didn't get the title of the post, the "I Heart NY" = "I Love NY". I tried to put an actual heart symbol, but Blogger saw it as HTML code and gave me an error message upon publishing. Anyways, usually I love going to NY but this visit I'm not too thrilled about. Then after that I'm headed back down the coast to Washington and Virginia to meet some people for an upcoming job. I can't give details since it's government related, so don't ask. I can however say it's CIA, FBI and NSA related. Cool huh? I'm looking forward to getting into it. The pay is almost double in terms of what I expected them to offer for a 6-8 week contract. So that is the good news for me and the bad news for you is I won't be around. Doubt you are crying but if you are, wait because here is your good news...

Since I will be out of town, that means I will be departing from the blogosphere as well. I will be uploading some posts now that I have already completed ahead of time. So those should hold everyone over in my absence. Hope you will miss me, probably not though. Until I return, see ya.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday The 13th

I just realized today is Friday the 13th. Maybe some of you didn't notice until now either. Perhaps it's in everyone's head that Friday the 13th is a bad luck day. I think my whole week has been Friday the 13th. So the big question is, has anyone had anything in particular bad/weird happen to them today or any past Friday the 13th? If so, do you even believe that today is suppose to be a "bad luck day"? Share a story if you have one, because I'm out of creative things to post and I lack the motivation to come up with anything better to say.

After all, I did just make 3 posts on a single day! That is a new record for me. Don't worry that is a rare occurrence and in no way will I turn into one of those crazy blog addicts that make 5-7 a day and spend hours doing it.

I'm Humbled By A 9 Year Old

At an age when most girls are more interested in dolls than databases, nine-year-old Arfa Karim Randhawa from Pakistan is something of an exception. She has just become one of the world's Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCP). Arfa recently received her certificate from Emre Berkin, chairman of Microsoft's Europe, Middle East and Africa region, and Jawwad Rehman, Microsoft's country manager for Pakistan.

As with most child prodigies, Arfa started very early. She explains, "At the age of 5, when I was in kindergarten, I often used to pass by the computer labs and see students doing work on computers. I realized that calculation, which would take us a long time to do, can be done in less than a second with the help of computers. So that is how my interest in computers began. I started to explore computers on my own and first used one at the age of 6, when I was in first grade. Then I went to Applied Technologies (APTECH) for further studies."

While this might seem like a child who needs to get a life, she does admit that she would rather go to Disneyland rather than meet Bill Gates who is merely number two on her list of things to do. Arfa has also made a pitch for a job at Microsoft. She says "I would definitely like to work at Microsoft since software development and exploring new technologies has always been my passion". No one is taking any bets that she won't get the job.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

What Does This Mean?

It's past midnight here and even though I am tired, I can't fall asleep - I hate that. Due to the insomnia and a question on my mind, I thought I would take a minute to upload to the blog. I've posted about dreams before (Dream Interpretations and Analysis - Part I and Dream Interpretations and Analysis - Part II) and this post won't be as long as my past dream posts, but I do want to ask a question in hopes that someone reading this will know the answer. So "put your thinking caps on" (didn't you just hate that teacher saying in grade school?) because here goes.

What does it mean to dream that you have the strong taste of salt in your mouth? It's so strong and sickening that you want to spit. Sometimes I have this dream tied into an ocean dream. There I am struggling to avoid drowning as huge waves come over me. Now I know what the saliva and ocean drowning dreams mean and I even know what it means to dream about salting food. Although I have no idea what it means for me to just dream I have the strong and overwhelming taste of salt in my mouth. I wake up still tasting the salt because the dream seems real and after a few minutes it will go away. A couple times I just opt to go get a drink of water even though the salt taste is only in my "head" and not really in my mouth like the dream has me believe.

I've looked online for an answer to this and came up empty. Perhaps one of my psychology readers could have some insight on this for me. If so, I would love to hear it because I'm curious. All I did find out was that spitting in a dream signifies an aspect of yourself that you need to get rid of. Alternatively, spitting may represent anger and contempt. That makes sense to me, but who can help me out on what the meaning of the salt taste in my mouth would mean? One last thing, this has nothing to do with any salty food I ate before bed or anything dumb like that.

Random Rambling Thoughts From The Shower

Like most people, I take my shower in the morning as opposed to night time. Mainly because I'm not a morning person and I can use all the help I can get to wake my ass up early in the morning. My day usually starts before 6AM, so pretty much don't talk to me until 8:30 at the earliest...unless you want vague understanding, irritated responses and you enjoy conversing with someone who is still in an AM haze. Ok, maybe I'm not that bad. Perhaps if I joined the masses and sucked down a cup or two of java first thing, then I would feel different. No, coffee isn't for me. Never been a fan of it. I know Starbucks addicts are gasping, but I will stick with my ice-water to start out my day. So you can keep your frata-lata-moco-cocco whatever it is you drink. I can think of alot better things to do with whip cream! ;) Sorry, but I was born under the Scorpio sign so what did you expect?

I am getting better at my early riser attitude because I really have no other choice. Once the college days of sleeping until 11:00 are gone, you need to adapt to a real schedule. I have clients I need to speak with first thing when I arrive to work, so you can't come off as Mr. Grumpy. I'm definitely a night guy. I feel my best late in the day and I'm more creative and energetic as the day moves into night.

So yesterday morning I hopped in the shower as I went about my usual morning routine before work. Sometimes when I'm in the shower I use that time to brainstorm ideas for the day. I find myself thinking more like my father must think when it comes to entrepreneurship. I feel like there is always something new I should be looking into as a path for expanding business or just making it overall more profitable and smoother the way it is. I guess that is a good thing that my head is on that track and people with that mindset are more successful in life. Right now I probably need to focus more on work and think less about other personal matters eating at me, clouding my business judgement. Other times in the shower I just zone out because I am dead tired or just not feeling up to facing the day. Yesterday morning I found myself not brainstorming work ideas, but rather just feeling exhausted with life in general. So with that, the mind started churning even though it was just before daybreak. I know I am my own worse enemy when it comes to what's in my head, my own thoughts. Half of the time I am sure I make more of something than it really is and other times I want to kick myself for not opening my eyes and seeing what is going on - naive or too hopeful.

I stood in the shower with the warm water running over me (And no this is not turning into blog porn, if there is such a thing as blog porn. When it comes to the Internet, never doubt that no matter how odd something may be, chances are it's on the net.). I leaned forward resting my head against the wall, consumed by just the pulsating noise of water coming down across the back of my head and neck. I've done this before on other days for really no reason and thought nothing of it, but yesterday was different. As soon as I laid the weight of my head against the wall I realized how much I was not getting something I so desperately need. To just be able to take the weight of the world off your shoulders for a few minutes, to just be able to rest your head and feel like it's safe/secure and in good hands - that's a beautiful thing. It's something I hope everyone has in their life, unfortunately for me in came in the form of a shower wall.

I turned myself around and did the same thing with the back of my head leaning against the wall while the water ran across my face and chest. This time when I stood back up straight I felt like I couldn't breathe, almost like I was suffocating with a tightness in my chest. (And no this isn't from McDonald's food. I'm actually a very healthy eater.) I don't know what to make out of this and come to a conclusion. I mean I have a fairly good idea what it means and what I need, but still I didn't expect to experience that feeling. A shrink would probably tell me that I am having trouble standing on my own two feet and lack some support and a few other things in my life. I would tend to agree because I think I now fully/truly understand that no matter who you are, in life it's important to have someone/somewhere safe to rest your head...and your heart if you want to look at it as such.

On a different semi-happy/weird note (enough adjectives for you?), after I turned the shower water off, a drip began. Before you make fun or think I'm weird or laugh, you know you do dumb shit like this too...I decided to test out my speed bag skills. Meaning, if you know about boxing, one of the things that is done is you bob your head back and forth with a speed bag to quicken your head movement in avoiding punches in the ring. So I was a dork and did a little of that with the drip of water. It started out as just me trying to get the water out of my ear and turned into a 10 second game. Oh well, silly I know but you have to admit everyone does corky behavior like that for no rhyme or reason sometimes. In another random rambling thought that ties in here, when I got out of the shower the mirror above the sink was foggy. So it made me a little sad because I miss getting to leave little surprise "i heart u" notes on the foggy bathroom mirror. It's been awhile since I've done that. Alright, I'm done being a big girl now. That concludes my shower ramble post.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Super Size Me

It's no secret that America is the fattest nation. An overwhelming 60% of our population is overweight or obese. It's a growing epidemic and fast food chains and enormous portions are partially to blame. Statistics show that 2 out of every 3 adults are overweight or obese and 1 in every 4 children are overweight or obese. Those numbers are even higher in the fattest city, Houston. The movie "Super Size Me" has been out for a few years now and not until recently did I get a chance to watch it. It's a documentary about a man who runs an experiment to prove how fast food, in particular McDonald's, is harmful to your health. He does this by eating nothing but McDonald's food for 30 days straight, 3 times a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner. (feel the McGirgle rumbling low in your tummy)

The only rules are that he has to order everything at least once from the menu and has to agree to Super Sizing only when asked, which is almost always. He also has to live a rather lazy life of not much physical activity since the average American walks less than 1/2 mile a day, that's less than 5,000 steps. During this experiment you watch his health deteriorate, his body turn to flab and a host of other problems including an actual addiction developing towards the junk food. His body even rejects the food by vomiting just the second day into the experiment and then after about 20 days, he beings feeling heart palpatrations, like a heartattck!

Many facts are thrown out in the movie which are interesting. For example, 72% of all McDonald customers are overweight or obese. Did you know that even McDonald's salads contain as much fat as their Big Mac? The salad even contains sugar! In the movie some 1st graders are shown photos of George Washington, Jesus and Ronald McDonald. Only SOME of the kids could identify George Washington, NONE of the kids could identify Jesus, but ALL of them shouted Ronald McDonald when presented with his photo. Here are just a few of the things he goes thru from this experiment...

  • depression, headaches, eye strain, lethargic feeling, cravings, mood swings
  • weight increased from 180lbs to 210lbs
  • cholesterol went up 60 points
  • body fat percentage rose from 11% to 18%
  • he consumed 1lb of sugar and 12lbs of fat just from the 30 day McDonalds diet
  • his "sexual performance" dropped according to his girlfriend (lack of energy, erection problems)

So does he complete all 30 days of the experiment or does he throw in the towel, either by his own will or forced by doctors? I can't tell you. You will just have to watch the movie and find out for yourself. I will just say the ending results even shocked the physicians! Personally, just knowing you will turn into a fat ass and you won't be able to "get it up", is enough reason for me to driveby the drivethru places. Maybe after watching this movie more people will feel that way too.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Moblog Driveby In LA

Kids don't try this at home. It's not exactly the safest/smartest thing to do while driving, but it sure makes for a cool photo right?

On side note, ever have your heart hurt so bad that you wish you could just take a knife, stab into it, pull it out and dice it up into little pieces to make it go away? Well I find myself feeling like that for the second time now in roughly 3 months. I can't put into words how much it sucks! Why am I sharing this? No reason except I thought maybe it would help myself to let that out. (Doesn't seem like it did any good for me though.) Anyone else been there and how have you dealt with it? I'm open to hearing your suggestions on this, hopefully in a supportive and kind way. Thanks. I'll shut my crying up now and get back to more happy posts for everyone.

Monday, May 9, 2005

Blogger Goes Mobile, Yeah Baby Yeah

Finally Blogger.com has announced that they have set up moblogging features. So now you can "snap a photo and type some text, send it to Blogger and we'll do the rest"...according to their catchy advertising jingle. Just send text or photos from your mobile device to go@blogger.com and they're automatically posted to your new blog page. Enter your claim token that was sent to your mobile phone to access more options.

Shagadelic Japanese Twins "Fook Yu" and "Fook Mi"

Currently Blogger moblogging works only with Verizon, AT&T, Cingular, Sprint and T-Mobile. More phone providers will be added shortly. Here are a few links to help you get started...

Sunday, May 8, 2005

Happy Mother's Day

I want to wish all the Moms out there a Happy Mother's Day and say thank you on behalf of your kids. They say a mother's work is never done and I believe none of us could ever repay our Moms for all they have done and continue to do for us thru the years. So show your Mom how much you appreciate her and say thank you to her for making you the person you are today. Afterall, she did carry you for 9 months, the least you can do is say thanks. I'm sure I love you wouldn't hurt either. ;)

I hope everyone reading this is as lucky as I am to of had a good relationship with their Mom growing up and continuing even after "leaving the nest". I also hope your Mom is still with us and well. If not, then remember it's never to late to show your appreciation and say how much you care. This Mother's Day I will be spending it cooking dinner for my Mom and going for a walk with her. I'm not much of a cook, so she is brave to accept my offer. Wish me luck!

Saturday, May 7, 2005

Rodent Hair Cereal, Grrreat!

By popular demand, I've decided to turn a comment I made on someone else's blog into a full post on my blog. Ok, so it wasn't by popular demand. Only one person demanded it. Ok, I mean only one person suggested it. Either way, via demand or suggest by 1 or 100 people, here it is. I think you will find it informative and disgusting, a real eye opener to the business world practices of balancing supply and demand. Make your tuition payment out to "DIAMONDKT". School is now in session.

Forget Frosted Flakes...Introducing Furry Flakes!

Recently in the news a story broke about a little boy who found a 2 foot ALIVE snake slither out of his morning cereal box. Being a typical boy, I can't help but to think this kid wasn't phased that much and thought "cool". I also doubt it deterred him from finishing the cereal. Now you may of read this story and gasped, nearly fainting at the thought. You're thinking how could such a thing happen when the box is vacuum sealed for my protection and to ensure freshness? Well let me fill you in on a little lesson I learned in a college business course.

You know how people complain about the high price of a box of cereal? Well there is a reason it's so pricey and to be honest, if you wanted "clean" cereal (I'll explain what I mean by that in a minute), then you would be paying $20 a box! Now who would buy the cereal then? Ah, probably nobody. So that is why it's usually just under $5 a box...but there is a catch to keep that price down.

Rodent hairs. That's right, your box of cereal is allowed so many rodent hairs per box in order to safely pass the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) rules. What do I mean by that? Well like any food produced in bulk, it's done in large warehouses. The corn flakes or whatever cereal you are eating, gets prepared in huge mixing containers and laid on conveyer belts, ect. Now don't get me wrong, the people there have to wear hairnets, latex gloves and all that other sanitary attire. Although, unlike the cereal bags that are "vacuum sealed" for freshness, the warehouse where it was made is NOT "vacuum sealed". That means it's not uncommon for rodents to be running around from time to time and they shed = their hair blows into the cereal making process = it ends up blowing into your box/bowl of Frosted Flakes! Tony says they're grrreat! Who are you to second guess a tiger's best judgement?

This all sounds disgusting right? Well believe it. The reason this happens is because in order for companies like Kellogg's to run vacuum tight warehouses to ensure absolute cleanliness, it would require big $$$. That in turn you would pay for at the store. Your box of cereal would go from a few bucks up to $20 or more! So no I'm not surprised by this snake tale. Of course if I had to pick, I would rather have some rodent hairs in my mouth than a live snake.

See, I'm full of useless/usefull info and you thought I was just another pretty face - haha. Anyone hungry for breakfast now? Bon a petit.

Friday, May 6, 2005

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Similar to the post I did last month titled "I Will Comply", this idea too was taken from another blog. When I read it, my mind began to churn and think of my own childhood. They say scent is the strongest scent tied to man (yes that is from the commercial) and I can't help but think sounds aren't far behind. So here is my list of what triggers my childhood memory when I hear certain sounds and breathe in certain smells. You can share your list in the comment section if you want.

Remember loving Pac-Man on the Atari 2600?


  • Pac-Man
  • lawnmower
  • diving board spring, then silence, then pool water splash
  • kids laughing
  • my dog's ID tags jingling
  • Trapper Keeper velcro
  • basketball being played
  • bicycle handbrake squeals
  • skateboards
  • my Mom yelling my name outside
  • Guns & Roses music (hey it was cool back then)
  • chirping crickets on a summer night
  • school bus
  • swing set creaking


  • Mr. Bubble
  • fresh cut grass
  • scent of brand new Nike shoes
  • puppy breath
  • Pink Pet eraser
  • crisp school text books
  • Crayola Crayons, Magic Markers, Elmer's Glue and Rubber Cement
  • Downey washed bed sheets
  • beer at a ballpark
  • x-mas wrapping paper
  • my Mom's turkey dinner
  • diesel fumes on my Dad's snowmobiling jacket
  • Nerf football
  • Wiffle Ball plastic bat
  • my cat's fur (from her litter box, smelled good/clean like perfume, honest

I didn't give credit above to my source as I should of. If you "steal" the idea/info, it's only fair to link back to the original source to where it came from. So my apologies to "fairygirl701" and props to her blog www.dubiousachievements.blogspot.com ;)

Thursday, May 5, 2005

Name My New Pal Poll

After yesterday's post about the iMacAquarium and G4CubeAquarium, it's obvious that these great little DIY fish tanks need tenants. So I've decided to hold a poll on my blog so you can help me vote on the new fish names. I'm just going with one fish for now, so I only need to pick one name. This poll is just part of what I meant when I said this month the blog was going to become more "interactive". I encourage everyone to vote, but I ask that you please only cast your vote once to avoid any virtual ballot stuffing. I currently don't have a cutoff date for the voting, but I suppose I will end it once it gets really slow or new votes cease all together. Then the winner will be named - literally!

If you look on the sidebar, you will see I added a section called "Voting Booth". That is where the voting poll will take place. Voting is anonymous and open to everyone (registered and non-registered bloggers) so there is no reason not to participate. So help me name my new pal by voting today!

The nominees are as follows...

  • Steve - after Apple CEO Steve Jobs
  • Sushi - does it need an explanation?
  • Mac - tough name shortened after the iMac
  • iFish - spin off on the iEverything Apple makes

Honorable mentions that didn't make the final list are...

  • Beta - term to describe software in it's "pre-finished" stage
  • Pron - slang name for online porn
  • Jaws - after the movie
  • Moby Dick - after the book
  • Matrix - after the movie
  • DotCom - after the tech industry boom

These are all names I came up with, but if you have anything you feel I should add to the list and perhaps enter in the voting poll, then please let me know in the comments section here. Just tell me the name of your choice along with why you want me to include it and I will make decision from there on whether to include it or not. I'm open to suggestions so fire away.

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Project: iMacAquarium & G4 CubeAquarium

Yesterday I posted about a PC modding contest that was going on and I wasn't surprise that many people didn't have a clue what I meant by "PC modding". It is something relatively new and I did have a somewhat difficult time giving a good/clear explanation of what computer modding is all about. Although as promised, I feel today's post will clear up any confusion and give everyone a better understanding of what I am talking about by sharing two of my own little projects. I am currently in the process of completing two computer case mods. Unlike other case mods, these will NOT be working computers, but rather working fish tanks! That's right, I'm turning 2 Apple computers (a first generation blue iMac and a G4 Cube) into 2 fully functional fish tanks.

iMacAquarium & G4 CubeAquarium

I must admit, unlike some of my other mods, these ideas were not my own. They have been done before so I am basing my mod off the same idea, but adding my own twist on it so to speak. Basically much of it will be the same, expect a few small changes to suit my own tastes and to improve on the original idea/design. There are many variations of the MacAquarium idea, using every type of Apple computer ever made. Click this link for a large collection on display. Now for a little history on what is a MacAquarium, how the idea was born and how to build one...

How the MacAquarium Idea was Born
Back in late 1999, the tech industry was falling apart. Huge companies were going under and dotcom billionaires were cashing in and getting out. With that, it left alot of tech guys unemployed and for the first time in most of their lives, they had extra free time on their hands. So what do creative geeks do with time to kill and tons of old computers laying around? They let the mind flow and get busy coming up with new inventions to make their world go round. One of their more fun and frivolous inventions was the first ever MacAquarium. It would involve taking an old Mac computer, gutting it and rebuilding it in a way that made it into a useable fish aquarium. It wasn't going to get them a Noble peace prize or make them their next billion. No, instead it would get them some publicity - applause from Apple, attention online and a couple TV and magazine interviews. Of course it landed them a book chapter, devoted to the MacAquarium, in the coveted Mac addict's bible "The Cult Of Mac".

Lastly, it would spawn www.imacaquarium.com (currently down) where the everyday Joe could buy a complete MacAquarium kit (shell, pump, gravel, ect) to build his very own computer fish tank at home, if he lacked the skill and knowledge of doing it from scratch. The kits would sell for $300 which is MUCH more than you will spend to build one from scratch. Even though it was a little pricey for what you got, it still sold extremely well. Many CEOs found it to be a great conversation novelty piece and a bit of tech nostalgia to display in their big, plush corporate offices. Celebs like Jay Leno even have an iMacAquarium. For me, I wanted to modify it a little from the original and I wanted to learn/build it on my own. So I decided against buying the kit. I've always enjoyed fish tanks (calming) and I've been meaning to get one - haven't had one since college. What better time than now and in this form. It fits the great modern/tech theme in my home office. That now leads me to introducing my current 2 projects - the iMacAquarium and the G4 CubeAquarium.

How the MacAquarium is Built
A computer aquarium can be built out of any old computer. It doesn't have to be an iMac or even a Mac at all. You can use your old Dell if you want. All you need is an old computer that you are willing to strip down and turn into a fish's loving water park home. Of course you have to seal the case so it doesn't leak and other steps need to be taken before you can dump Nemo inside and expect him to survive. There is a fairly long list of instructions you need to follow before you begin. So below are two web resources for those of you that want to complete a similar project as mine. I'm only including the steps for turning a first generation iMac and a G4 Cube into fish tanks. For other cases, you will either have to find that info elsewhere or figure it out as you go. Good luck and I hope PC modding is now something everyone reading this understands a little more about and may even be inspired to start their own DIY project. It can be fun and the end reward is getting to have a one of a kind creation completed solely by your own two hands. Perhaps I'll upload photos of both of my projects once they are finished.

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

A Real Life Runaway Bride Causes Blog Buzz

Every now and then around the blogosphere there is a news story that sparks everyone's interest and causes a buzz. Since most blogs are personal by nature and many blogs deal with personal relationships, it's no surprise that the recent news story of the "Runaway Bride" is catching everyone's attention. Just a quick surf thru a few blogs and you will see people posting their thoughts, opinion and advice to the "Runaway Bride" Jennifer Wilbanks and her fiancée John Mason. I considered posting about this myself because I know people love to read, get involved and comment on a good "dumping" (cough), but for whatever reason I stayed out of it since I had other posts already done and ready for upload. Although one blogger who reads my site often, has a very well written post about this very topic on her blog. You can read EXSENO's post here and if you are interested, read my long rambling comments I had to say in response to it.

Design A Custom PC and Win $125,000

I've done a little computer modding myself before so naturally a light bulb (and dollar signs) went off in my head when I read this news article below. If you don't know what computer modding is, it's basically when you take a rather ordinary case or build one totally from scratch into a one-of-a-kind custom rig - AKA PC. There have been a few companies with innovative case designs, like Alienware, Shuttle and of course Apple. For me, I like to start with a nice solid case like the Antec PlusView 1000 and turn it into something even a non-geek would find "aww inspiring". I'll be posting this week about 2 of my mods. I think you will have a better understanding of what I'm talking about after you see that post.

Computer modding is cutting edge combining artistic and technical skill. It involves wiring, painting, cutting, sleeving, configuring and countless other aspects. You are only limited by your imagination, and perhaps your skill and cash flow. Although even then you can find ways to get around those two hurdles by either asking for help or re-using parts to cut costs. Case modders are a very helpful bunch in general and there are many sites and forums popping up on the web everyday to guide you in the hobby. Stores like FrozenCPU.com lead the way in case modding supplies. Is it a little nerdy? Sure it is, but it's kind of cool to have something you can stand back and say you built, is one-of-a-kind and can impress the die hard LAN party gamer to even the little old lady across the street. Now, here is the news article that caught my attention and a link to the contest that I am entering.

Microsoft has announced the start of a design competition to rethink the desktop computer. The company thinks it is time to move beyond the big, boring beige box. They are offering a top prize of $125,000 to the group or person with the best PC design. Microsoft hopes that the contest will challenge participants to think outside the box while using Longhorn (the next version of the Windows operating system still being beta tested) as a guide. Details of the contest can be found on StartSomethingPC.com

Apple in recent years has made the aesthetics of its hardware one of its top priorities, resulting in computer design like the unique G4 Cube and Mac Mini, or the simple utilitarian design of its newer PowerMac G5 desktops.

"People care about what their PC looks like, sounds like, and feels like. In this spirit, and in honor of the third decade of Windows, we're inviting students, independent designers and established design teams to help us envision a future that's based on experiences," explained Microsoft Group VP Jim Allchin.

The photo I posted here doesn't do PC modding justice. So to see some better examples of the amazing work that can be done, check out these extreme mods at www.thebestcasescenario.com There you will see the on the left hand side titled "Case Project Gallery". All of those are fully functional PC, believe it or not!

Monday, May 2, 2005

One Word - CRAZY

I did a post last weekend titled "Obsessive Blogger Addiction = Blogger Burnout". Well if you thought the guy in that article spent too much time blogging, just wait until you hear about this guy who was so addicted to posting in forums (message boards) that he starved to death! This is too crazy and I could hardly believe it myself. Credit for this article goes to Shirazi, where I found the link.

A New York man was found dead at his computer, apparently the victim of trying to keep up with too many professional forums. Childress H. Wanamaker, 54, an account executive at a New York-based new media company, died of starvation according to the coroner's office. Wanamaker's emaciated body was found by Loraine, his wife of 26 years, who said she had been bringing her husband meals on plastic trays for weeks, but that he never took the time to eat them. "He was glued to his computer 24/7," she said tearfully. "He was so afraid he was going to miss an opportunity to contribute a comment or start a discussion, that he just stopped eating." She added that Wanamaker's last words were "OK Picard, stick that in your pipe and smoke it..."

Computer forensic specialists discovered that Wanamaker was subscribed to 48 different forums and networking communities including one apparently having to do with the elderly called "oldtimers" and another apparently limited to just 100 people. They also found that he posted a comment into one forum or another on an average of two per minute every hour of the day for the past seven weeks. "He felt under terrible pressure to be part of the online community," said his son, Lucian, who says he tried several times to get his father's attention and lure him away from the computer. "The only time he even looked up was when I told him I had seen someone trying to steal his car out of the driveway."

Police found what appeared to be an organization chart taped to the wall of Wanamaker's den with lines linking small photos of people unknown to the police including a Tom Hespos and an Adam Boettiger. Neither is considered a suspect in Wanamaker's death. "Once, I thought I had him," said Lucian Wanamaker, "when I said that mom had made cookies, but half out of his chair, he just sat back down mumbling something about two Roman gods; I believe it was Jupiter and Atlas having some sort of titanic battle. 'Let them eat PIE,' he bellowed banging on his keyboard."

Computer forensic specialists reported that there was no order or continuity to Wanamaker's forum postings. "It looks like he just sort of randomly commented on whatever was in the discussion string at the time," said Stephen Hall, CUNY-Cortland adjunct professor of intemperate and impulsive behavior. "He let nothing go by unchallenged by his own point of view, nor failed to respond to any other community member asking for advice or a new job. This consumed not only 24 hours a day, but also, apparently, his physical health."

In what must be a record, Wanamaker was linked into to over 15,250 other community members, many of whom he exchanged notes with daily. He also contributed to 375 blogs and was expected to start an online column about the impact of interactive communications on health, when he died. A virtual memorial service will be held online at a date to be determined.

Ahhh yeah. Rare occasion when I'm speechless given I have too much to say on this, but too stunned to even word it. Your comments?

Sunday, May 1, 2005

May I Recap And Preview On This First Day In May

Once again it's a new month here on the blog (ah, and in real life too). So as always I have to come up with something good to start off a fresh month of blogging. Therefore I post "a rambling" on the 1st of every month. Hmm, let's see what I shall write for May 1st. Well January was easy because it was day #1 of not only the new year, but also day #1 of my blog - first day I started blogging. February was me boosting of how I kept my New Year's resolution of continuing the blog for one solid month without quitting - an "achievement" I even thought wouldn't happen. It was also the breaking-in period of blogging on a daily bases. When March rolled in I felt like a seasoned vet, until I got a dose of reality. After what I refer to as the "V-Day Massacre", I posted about how I learned what NOT to do on a blog surrounding that day, week, pretty much the whole month. Needless to say, it was a very rocky February for me personally. On happy note, it was also the beginning of spring so I promised I was going to make changes for the better. Then on came April and with that April Fool's Day landing on the 1st - which means, I lucked out and used the holiday prank as my post. I got to excuse myself from doing a clever 1st of the month rambling write-up (clever move in itself).

What does this photo of J Lo have to do with this post? Absolutely nothing.
Does something this beautiful really need a reason to be posted? I think not.
Just pure eye candy. God I love her! Enjoy.

So now it's May and I have arrived with a total of 4 months of blogging, over 100 posts and roughly 1,000 comments (give or take) to my name. I am getting a bigger following by trying to reach a wider audience with a variety of material. All in all, not too bad for a rookie blogger I think. Well am I still a rook? I'm not sure. I do have some experience now and I have learned "the ins and the outs", "the good and the bad". Of course there is always room for improvement and some change when it comes to anything in life, blogging included. I'll do my best to keep this month fresh and interesting, even throwing in a few new additions which I will go over in a minute. First, how about I do a quick recap of the past month and what you can expect for May...

We saw the passing of the pope and inauguration on a new one to take his place. The 11th marked my 100th post milestone. I talked about addictions - to a video game called "Splinter Cell" and how to break blog addicts away from their computer. In sports, baseball season opened and the college hoops season closed with me cashing in on my office poll. I talked about 2 unique studies done - one about work productivity or the lack of it and the other about e-mail frying your brain to the level equivalency of a pot head's IQ. I embarrassed myself in a few posts by getting a little too girly and emotional, but I managed to bring the testosterone back up by spilling it all on Britney, virginity and lesbian sex. Then back to my feminine side with speaking out on how crazy I think people are who want to hunt domestic cats and I even pushed it as far as saving a little brown mouse's life. I had a beauty bare her lower back tat, blasted a child porn perv and even got a little political on Al Gore. As usual I talked about hacking and security issues, even linked to a fun online game to play. Although my favorite post has to be the man who hosted his site by running a webserver out of his ass - literally. Last but not least, I started my moblog! I think that about covers it. Oh yeah, this past month I was bashing my head alot against the keyboard in frustration towards the Blogger.com outages and buggy service. With all their technical problems occurring, shocked I posted as much I did.

Now what to expect for this new month of May? Well if I told you, it would spoil it. Although if I drop a few hints, just maybe you will want to come back to get the full details. So here are a few small hints. There will be more of what you are use to and grown to love (sounds cocky I know). Also this month there will be more moblogging and I am going to make the blog more "INTERACTIVE", and I don't just mean the comment section. Hmm, intrigued? Of course you are so you will have to return each day to see what it may be! You gotta love the suspense. It kills and feels good at the same time. Well I'm out of time now and out of words. 1st of the month ramble complete.