Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Study Claims E-mail Destroys The Mind Faster Than Weed

Modern technology depletes human cognitive abilities more rapidly than drugs, according to a psychiatric study conducted at King's College, London and the curse of "messaging" is to blame. E-mail users suffered a 10% drop in IQ scores, more than twice the fall recorded by marijuana users, in a clinical trial of over a thousand participants. Doziness, lethargy and an inability to focus are classic characteristics, but e-mail users exhibited these particular symptoms to a startling degree, according to Dr Glenn Wilson.

The deterioration in mental capacity was the direct result of the trial subject's addiction to technology, researchers discovered. E-mail addicts were bombarded by context switches and developed an inability to distinguish between trivial and significant messages. Incredibly, 20% of trialists jeopardized their immediate social relations by rushing off to "check their messages" in the middle of a conversation.

Computer technology in its modern, interconnected form is making the population dumber more rapidly than television. A study of 100,000 school children in over 30 countries around the world testified that non-computer using kids performed better in literacy and numeracy schools than PC-using children. Education experts have dubbed it the "problem solving deficit disorder". King's College's pioneering study focused solely on messaging, but there are many other emerging technologies that could be making us stupid too, but their consequences haven't been fully explored.

If you are a tech savvy person and you use e-mail and IM, do you really believe your IQ is decreasing because of these activities...even more so than your average pot head's IQ level decrease? I don't know, but I do wonder what they have to say about blogging (probably decreases my IQ too). I guess if any good comes out of this, it's that stoners have one more reason to give in favor or legalizing weed. So roll that joint, hit that bong and pass that "sticky icky" around instead of launching Outlook. Perhaps weed isn't as harmfull to your brain as sorting thru spam.

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