Friday, April 15, 2005

Filling Fluffy With Lead

I didn't hear about this until the other morning while listening to the Howard Stern show. A real "cat fight" is brewing out in Wisconsin. It seems that people are not following Bob Barker's motto of getting their pets spayed and neutered. As a result, the cat population in the state of Wisconsin is out of control. Therefore a vote is being held in order to decided if they should open up a cat hunting season! Yes, you heard that right - cat hunting of domestic felines from kittens to adults.

Don't be alarmed. Random photo found on the web.
I'm not even sure if that's real or a Photoshop job.

The proposal would allow licensed hunters to kill free-roaming cats, including any domestic cat that isn't under the owner's direct control or any cat without a collar, just like skunks or gophers. Of course the Humane Society and all cat lovers are enraged and horrified at the very thought of this idea. They have begun protesting in hopes the law will not pass so they can protect their furry friends from getting blasted into pieces. What do you think about legalized cat hunting? Do you support the idea given the reasoning why Wisconsin wants to sign for this, or are you against it no matter how over populated an area gets with stray cats and kittens?

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