Tuesday, April 5, 2005

DoorManBot, Offline Messaging System

If you use AIM, than you may of heard of DoorManBot. DoorManBot is a message-relaying system on AOL Instant Messenger for people wanting to leave a message for an offline buddy. DoorManBot delivers messages much like an answering machine does for phone calls. Essentially, DoorManBot records a user's message and delivers it to the recipient when he/she signs on. The great advantage of this is, you don't have to be online for your buddy to read your message, hence the term "Offline Messages". If you want a friend of yours to get a message when they sign on, simply IM DoorManBot5 with a screenname of the buddy and your message.

For example:
AIMBuddy123: Hey! Call me when you get this message!

Last night I received this message on my AIM...

DoorManBot73 (11:43:50 PM):
(4/4/2005 8:54:35 PM EST)
doormanbot: Hi. I noticed your post here: http://diamondkt.blogspot.com/2005/02/paris-hilton-and-t-mobile-hacked-again.html This problem was actually fixed just after you posted about it. Your guess was correct, btw, the server was becoming overloaded and disposing of messages improperly. E-mail me at matt@doorman.info if you want to talk.
This message brought to you by DoorManBot messages

The message was from Matt Goldstein co-creator of the DoorManBot project. I'm not sure how you got my screen name Matt (good/easy guess perhaps?) or how you came upon my blog (random surfing?). Anyways, just wanted to reply and say thanks for the info and I thought I would give DoorManBot a little plug here on my blog since I've used it before myself. You can read more about DoorManBot at www.doorman.info

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