Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I Will Comply

I found this on another blog and thought it was interesting, so I decided to do my own. This sort of reminds me of those e-mails people (mostly women) forward around and I have to admit that 9 times out of 10 I don't read them. However in this case, I not only read it but even participated! Impressive huh? The first part "I am:" is already done and then your job is to complete the sentence. So the way I did it was to just write the first thing that came to my head as to how I would finish the sentence. That way I suppose you get a more accurate idea of who you are rather then sitting there and trying to say "the right thing". Feel free to steal this idea (since I stole it too) and pass it around or even post yours in the comment section. Sorry guys, I will stop with the chick flavored posting here after today and get back to other things.

I am: a good person
I know: I can be a better man
I have: to tell myself that sometimes
I wish: I did believe that more
I hate: how I feel right now
I miss: being in love
I fear: failure
I hear: music wherever I go
I search: for a reason
I wonder: if I have a purpose/meaning in life
I regret: not being able to protect or always be there
I love: with all my heart and with no regrets
I'm lucky because: that helmet saved my life
I ache: on the 3rd day
I care: what they think to an extent
I always: have a condom with me
I am not: going to take sh*t
I dance: like Fred Astaire crossed with Usher :P
I sing: in my car
I do not always: say I love you to those I should
I should not: allow frustration to take control of me
I am: always thirsty for more knowledge
I love: an adrenaline rush
I write: from within
I also fear: disappointment
I win: every girl I've ever wanted
I lose: every girl I've ever truly loved
I confuse: even myself sometimes
I listen: to my mother's advice/wisdom
I go: to bed angry or sad too much
I am glad that: my family is still together and always has my back
I am happy about: how successful my business is becoming
I am obsessed with: Jennifer Lopez's ass
I should be: finding more time to vacation
I want: just to be happy

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