Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Studies Reveal Your Work Productivity or Lack Thereof

If you work in an office then more than likely most of the men (and even some of the women) have been "wasting" a considerable amount of time on the March Madness office poll. So this post comes at a very appropriate time. I'll be the first to say that no human being was meant to spend 40 hours (perhaps longer) a week in a cube, but alot of people find themselves stuck in that position. Are you actually being productive while in your little cube or are you just taking up space? So if you are wondering how much time is REALLY wasted at work by people goofing off, well then take a look at these stats...

According to the Nielsen Net Ratings (the global standard for Internet audience measure and analyst), people spend a considerable amount of time doing non-work related activities. These included e-mailing, IMing, blogging, shopping online, surfing the web and making personal phone calls. I'll admit I'm also a little guilty of this. Even though I am in business for myself, still I'm on other people's time so to speak. Let me add to this and say this blog post was mostly written at home on my own time and not a client's time. Good boy huh? ;)

If you are male, statistics show you spend more time goofing off at work than your female co-workers. In 2002, men spent an average of 31 hours doing non-work related activities in the office as compared to women who spent an average of 27 hours doing non-work related activities. Still, male or female - wow! That is alot of wasted time considering that only leaves 9-13 hours of REAL actual work done during an entire week! I bet employers are reading this and cringing, wondering why you even get the salary that you do for such little productive work time spent. Those are the facts though. The study is a few years old and I will look for 2004 or 2005 stats, but I'm guessing the numbers will be similar. So much for the "hard day of honest work" slogan.

Now that you are done reading this post AT WORK (ha ha), get back TO WORK. Don't get mad, you only have to put in a good 2 solid hours today anyways.

Did you know that you can use the Blogger Search field in the upper left hand corner of this site to search just my blog? Just type in a word or key phrase you want - for example "ass". Your results will come back as "fake ass, crazy ass, her ass and ass kisser". Educational and time worthy isn't it? For awhile it wasn't working, but now it seems to be fine. It's powered by Google so check it out in the those 6 hours of non-work today. ;)

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