Thursday, April 14, 2005

New Member Of The Exclusive MILF Club

I'm a day or two late posting this, but you know I couldn't let breaking news surrounding a hot girl go unblogged around here...even if it is another tiring celeb story. If you haven't heard already, Britney Spears announced she's pregnant. The 23-year-old, who recently married her backup dancer Kevin Federline this past September, announced on her website ( that her "fat rumors" where actually the beginning of her pregnancy weight gain. So I guess it's bye-bye to her smokin' hot body with the hard abs. Of course I still have the memories of her at the VMA's ripping off her clothes and the next year dancing with an albino snake on her neck. While both were arousing numbers, neither performance could out due the girl on girl action that took place though.

A little tongue never hurt anyone. You go girl!

This will be Spears first child and Ferderline's third. He has 2 previous children with an ex-girlfriend. Actually he meet Britney while his former girlfriend was pregnant with their second child. Smooth huh? Personally I think this Ferderline sounds like a real winner (sarcastic) with 3 children out of wedlock from two different women. Britney is certainty no genius herself - she's the one that married the dude after all. Whoever thinks hot girls need to be smart, isn't that smart themselves. We all know it's what is on the outside that really counts. Ha ha. Seriously though, I give this baby and marriage a year at best.

The good news (or bad news depending how you look at it) is that Britney is no virgin as she once claimed to be. She even went as far as boosting to the press about her innocence at one time. I never really believed that she was virgin for as long as she said, but for argument sake let's give her the benefit of the doubt and say she was "pure" until recently. Now the bad news is that it's probably safe to say she isn't a lesbian. Although every guy was hoping she would swing that way after witnessing the French kiss she shared with Madonna - SUPER HOT! Madonna, who by the way, is probably the only over 40-year-old woman that I find sexy. I think it's because she is kind of dirty and bad. The seductive voice she has helps too.

I like to think, even if it's true or not, that Britnay might be bisexual like Madonna. That would just make her even more appealing to men. So today I officially include Britney (along side Madonna) in my small exclusive MILF club.

While surfing around to find the above photo, I came across which states "Was JLo going to kiss Madonna? Evidently Jennifer was supposed to be in the performance with Madonna at the VMAs in which Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliot and Madonna all sang together...and a little more." MAN! I wish that would of happened, dream come true for me. I love JLo in case you didn't know already. :P

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