Saturday, April 23, 2005

Russian Hackers Are #1

A member of the Russian police force proclaimed that Russian hackers are "the best in the world." The statement came from Boris Miroshnikov, who works in the Russian police force's cybercrime division. His reason for making such a statement was to highlight the problem of cybercrime. He went on to point out what everyone already knows that Russians are well-known for their math skills, making them good at writing software and therefore good hackers as well. It's a tall statement to live up to, but even I will admit that they just may be right.

Protest held to help "free" Russian hacker
Dmitry Sklyarov after he cracked the DMCA

One of the reasons Russia has so many skilled hackers is because they begin at a young age, many in their teens or even younger, developing their techniques as they grow older. They realize if you are clever at something then you should use it to earn a living, which in this case includes criminal activities. They are hacking to get rich and uniting over networks making very effective groups of malicious attackers.

Miroshnikov wants the security community to come together and formulate laws that apply internationally so that it is easier to actually track down and arrest these malicious hackers wherever they may be in the world. Cybercrime can only be tackled with everyone working together, including governments, law enforcement and public and private companies.

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