Monday, April 4, 2005

Play Ball! Pirates Opening Day

I'm not much of a baseball fan. Personally I find the game too slow moving (sorry), but since it's major sports news and I'm a sports fan, it deserves at least a small post here. I can't say I've been following the Pittsburgh Pirates pre-season or even know about all the local trades and singings, but I do however know about the biggest trade - the lose of our former starting catcher/lead off hitter Jason Kendall. The Pirates have never been a great team and the last time they made it deep in the post-season, I wasn't even born. So for me, the only good Pirates players that come to mind who I have seen play infront of me have been Barry Bonds and Jason Kendall.

PNC Park, Home Of The Pittsburgh Pirates

I could go on and say how Pittsburgh spent all this money on PNC Park and left little to give our money hungry pro baseball players, therefore the stars left for greener pastures (making us a mediocre team season after season). I could even give the other side and say how Pittsburgh has to spend money to better the city and PNC Park fits that bill. I could also go on and debate that saying no matter how nice our baseball park, football stadium and hockey arena get, that it still doesn't help the fact that statistics show younger people attend these events and without good job market growth in Pittsburgh, more entertainment and a happening nightlife...that young people will continue to move away. I could say all of that and get into it, but I won't. I will just say the Pirates play the Brewers today in their home opener at 1:35 and if you have tickets, enjoy the game.

My apologies if that post sounds a little cynical, but those are the facts. It might also sound a little cynical because I know this city doesn't have much to offer me anymore. More than likely, I think I will be moving myself and my business into a city like NY or maybe San Francisco where I feel I can be alot more successful and happy.

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