Friday, April 8, 2005


You might hear me yelling FORE as I'm off to spend some time on the greens (weather permitting). Instead of working today, I'll be working on my swing and my charm skills as I go with some clients to play golf at Treesdale's Country Club. It's a good way to "work" outside the office. Even "The Donald" would tell you that. I'm not the world's biggest golf fan and I'm definitely not the best golfer either. I can usually get around par though so I'm not horrible. It's just that you will never see me going to play religiously (slow moving, bores me) or competing with the likes of Tiger Woods. Every once in awhile I am fine with it and when it comes to closing business deals, it comes in handy to be able to play the game without looking like a complete jackass.

Treesdale Country Club

I've played at Treesdale before and it is tough course to say the least. It was designed by Jack Nicolas so you know there are plenty of sand pits, water holes, ect. I'm in for a real challenge which is fine with me because I am fueled by some good competition. I just hope I don't get too frustrated or bored after the first 9 holes (which is all I care to play before I'm itching to leave). So wish me luck and have a good weekend everyone.

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