Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Run A Website Out Of Your Ass, Literally

Let's just call it what it is, a highly embarrassing/disgusting first for the Internet. Utilizing a USB webserver about half the size of a pack of gum that runs Perl, PHP, SMTP and POP3 was able to run a web page from a volunteer’s rectum. No joke. The USB thumb drive was first wrapped in a condom. Then with the aid of some KY and a latex gloved doc, the procedure was underway. (Getting nauseas yet?)

Stephen Patt, M.D. inserted the device. “We made it as safe and sanitary as possible,” he said, “but it is a little different.” (Nah, really?) Different enough to grab about 24,000 page views in the 40 minutes or so that the server was lodged in its temporary home. So how did it feel? “It was tight,” the volunteer admitted. “It was slightly unpleasant, but I always hoped to live my life in infamy and I think I will now.” (Oooook.) The server has since been dislodged, but you can visit the web page at (I think I have now officially lost my lunch.) Before anyone asks, no this is not a late April Fool's Day joke - this was REAL!

WARNING: Do NOT attempt to recreate this at home!
(Ah, duh - what "ass" would want to anyway?)

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