Friday, April 29, 2005

Protecting Your Blog Investment

If you are like me, you have been blogging for awhile now. Over that time you have accumulated hundreds (even thousands) of posts. So who isn't to say a glitch takes place on the Blogger servers or a hacker chooses to make your blog his little evil playground? As a result, all of those posts, comments and images you slaved over are destroyed in the blink of an eye! Don't panic, I have a way to keep your blog safe and your sanity in tact. The solution is to backup your blog just as you do (or SHOULD be doing) with your computer data.

Backing up your blog is easy and you can find step by step instructions on how to do this by reading this article...How do I create a backup of my entire blog? I highly suggest every blogger takes a few minutes to read that article and make a backup on their blog/s on a regular basis. Better safe than sorry as they say, so do the smart thing and backup today! I guarantee you'll thank me for it later.

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