Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Help Me Find Some Spiritual Relief

I'll admit I'm hesitant to post this because I'm a little embarrassed (and afraid that I will come off sounding like some freak), but I'm probably more backward when it comes to asking people for help in my real life. So if I ask for help on here from people, I can do it anonymously or if they know me, at least I don't have to actually say it to their face and humiliate myself in the process. I'm not sure if I explained/worded that right, but hopefully you understand what I mean.

Stop reading now if this post
is too deep and/or serious for you.

If you know me at all or have been following my blog, you know I don't care to discuss much of my personal life with the public. In fact I do my best to keep my private life just that - private. With that said, it's not like me to post this but I am posting it because I feel I need this help/advice/guidance right now. Without getting into too much detail, I am basically asking for reader feedback (I may regret doing this later after I saw how the moblog post went. I hope this doesn't turn into a mess too.) on what YOUR methods are in the forms of relaxation/stress relief, what helps you refocus, gives you some type of satisfaction - inner peace and hope for the future. Like everyone I too have challenges and some pain among other things in my life that I am trying to get thru. Some things I am not able to control and it's become extremely frustrating for me so I'm just looking for some ways to deal with things better and make it thru.

Don't get me wrong, I'm catholic but I don't want this to turn into some bible banging preacher post. I don't attend mass regularly anymore and I just feel like maybe I should or maybe there are other options out there that I should look into trying in order to get some type of relief from things in my life. I'm open to suggestions from aromatherapy, to massage, to acupuncture, to religion, to yoga, to meditation, to volunteering, to even counseling and beyond you name it. I have done a few of these, but still things just aren't working for me. So that is why I am asking for some help. I appreciate and encourage your comments, but please try not to jump all over me or each other in doing so. Thanks.

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