Monday, April 11, 2005

Celebrating 100 Posts Today!

Well today is the big day for my blog as it marks the 100th post! Technically it's really the 105th post counting today because I double posted on a few days, but today is the 100th day of my blog being active on the web. So for all intensive purposes, I'm going to still call this my 100th post celebration day because I'm dumb like that. No matter how you want to look at it, everyone owes me a congratulations either way. ;)

Is she scaring anyone else but me?

Can you believe it? It seemed to go by fast for me. I didn't think I would keep this blog going considering I signed up for the service in early 2002 and pretty much never touched it until this year. Not sure why I decided to pick it up, to try something new I guess and then it just became part of a little daily routine. Believe it or not, it only takes me just a couple minutes a day to post to my blog. Actually most of the time is not spent writing, but rather trying to get Blogger to actually publish correctly for me. They seem to be extra glitchy lately and it's become rather annoying to say the least.

Anyways, I'm not going to make a Hailey Berry speech that goes on for an hour with tears of joy flowing down my cheeks. Sorry, but a blog hitting 100 posts is really not all that exciting. (Personally I didn't find Hailey Berry winning an award and giving a speech to be that Earth shattering either. She looked hot, but her "hotness" was ruined by all that over emotional drama.) So I will just say thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope you continue to come back so I will feel motivated enough to reach for post #200 and so on. You help me make this little "time wasting activity" of mine a little more meaningful and I hope I make a positive impact in the time you waste coming to my blog. See, it all boils down to a win-win, waste-waste situation. Life is grand. If you don't have a blog already, I hope this speech was inspiriting enough to encourage you to start one. Blog on!

Over the weekend I asked your thoughts on if I should start a moblog or not. Yes seemed to be the unanimous choice. So time willing, I will be doing that along with a couple other new additions/changes...hopefully sooner than later. Thanks for the input.

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