Sunday, July 31, 2005

It's Stuck In My Head, Make It Go Away!

Ever have a catchy song stick in your head for what seems like days? Even worse, a song that you hate, but just the beat or only the chorus from it do you seem to remember? You can't recall any of the lyrics and you hum thru those unknown sections in your mind until you get to the 2 sentences you do remember. Or perhaps you decided to fill-in your own words to it in hopes if your brain can finish the song that it will finally leave you alone. No luck, it lingers and lingers. Well I'm having that problem too lately. The only difference is mine is with a book - a children's book at that. It's called "The Nose Book" and no I don't hate it, but after reading it literally 100 times to my niece, I am beginning to build up some hostile feelings at just seeing the cover.

Ok maybe hostile isn't the right word, but it is getting to me a little. It's not like she doesn't have 50 other books to choose from, but this is her favorite...or at least her favorite one for me to read. I'm thinking I shouldn't of made it so catchy - I do this little sing/song type of voice to her when I read it emphasizing some of the words and putting energy into it. Well all I can say is she better appreciate it because her happiness came at the price of me having "The Nose Book" stuck in my head for 2 days straight now! So I thought maybe if I write the words down (and yes I have ALL of them memorized at this point), then maybe that will help get it out of my head. So here goes...

I see a nose on every face.
I see noses every place.
A nose between each pair of eyes.
Noses, noses every size.
They come on every kind of head.
They come in pink and blue and red.
Some noses are very, very long.
Some noses are very, very strong.
Everywhere a fellow goes, he sees some new, new kind of nose.
Noses are useful after all.
Some play horns and some play ball.
Sometimes noses aren't much fun.
They sniffle, they get burned by the sun.
But just suppose you had no nose,
then you could never smell a rose...
or pie or chicken la king, you could never smell a single thing.
And one more thing, suppose no nose,
where would all your glasses sit?
They would all fall off, just think of it!

There! Let's see if that works. I know next time I see her it will be the same thing - she will quickly locate me in the room, give me a loud "D" as she likes to call me (remember she's only 1) and hand me "The Nose Book". I'll have to cave and give in to her chubby little face like I always do. I'll sit down on the floor and she will waste no time crawling into my lap and leaning back with her patent "sigh" to let me know she is comfy and it's time to begin the story. She doesn't need reminded when it's time to turn the pages and God forbid I get distracted during the story, she makes sure I stay focused and that I keep a proper reading speed up at all times. If I don't, my reading gets rushed by her turning the pages faster and faster as if to tell me to "speed it up buddy"!

Yes woman can be demanding even at 1. It also amazes me that like all women, she already knows what works on guys, well at least on me. To get her way, she will try the sweet route first - give me hugs and kisses, maybe even pet my shoulder, back or head. Anything to show a little affection. If that doesn't work for her, it's the sad face with the big eyes and pouty lip trick. She knows how to get the eyes all glossy just before a tear drops and is probably thinking "sucker" to herself as she watches me cave in. I know, you need tough love sometimes...I'll work on it, but just not today. Of course I must say she never forgets to reward me with that adorable little girly giggle after we reach the last page - her way of telling me she enjoyed ever minute of my story time.

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