Saturday, July 23, 2005

Calgon Take Me Away!

The weekend is here and my motivation and inspiration to turn out 2 blog posts for Saturday and Sunday seem like a excruciating task that I don't want to do. Although for the sake of my good readers, I feel somewhat obligated to upload at least a little something, even if it's not my best work. So I hope you find some interest in this tale of mine and perhaps a chuckle out of it as well. A series of e-mails and then phones calls from my Mother on Thursday has given me new material for the blog, at her expense. It's all in good fun though and I doubt she will even read this, but if she does...Mom I love you and I couldn't resist poking fun at you. I couldn't help but laugh to myself. My Mom means well and can also be so irritating at the same time...but in that loving, overprotective, worrisome way of course. (Hope I won't go to hell for this.)

To keep this tale somewhat brief, let me say that on Thursday news broke that a manhunt was going on in the area. Apparently a 19 year-old kid had stolen a car from another county and was fleeing from the cops on a rather long and high speed chase. The armed and dangerous teen eventually lost control of his car on I-79, striking a police cruiser before flipping the stolen car twice. Paramedics where called to the scene of the accident, but before they could arrive, the kid decided to continue his escape on foot. The manhunt went on for 7 hours and it called for roughly 50 state troopers in cars, on foot and in helicopters. They even had swat join in on the action! The pursuit had made it's way into my neighborhood now and maybe that would be a tiny bit scary if I had been home, but I wasn't so I didn't really care. I mean it's exciting and all, but it isn't really affecting my life. Although to my Mom, it was affecting her life and she was freaking out!

Throughout the day my Mom was sending me e-mail after e-mail with updates on the manhunt progress. Why? I have no clue, but I think she was bored and was all excited over the breaking news figuring I should be too. If that wasn't enough, she was still on her research kick about my backyard bear and I had already been flooded with messages from her on that topic - links to websites, photos, endless black bear info...ugh, enough all ready Mom. I should also mention she had talked to me on the phone about the manhunt and several times had called me before about the bear. As you can tell, she lives for this type of excitement. Unfortunately, I am at work and have to work, even if she doesn't. So seriously Mom, I get the point already. I'll keep out of the way of bears and crazy criminals. Talk about beating a dead horse, the phrase fits too well here. Anyways, I thought I would share a portion of how our e-mail conversation went down...

Mom: He’s still at large in your area – armed and dangerous – wanted for burglary – stealing guns and ammo in Warren County. Don’t open your door to bears or people!
Me: What if a cat knocks on my door, can I open it for him?
Mom: Cats are always on the admission list (just like those la-dee-da clubs in NY where they only allow “certain” people in.) I'm not kidding here. This is serious business.
Me: Like the Cat In The Hat? He’s always dressed to the nines in that top hat and cane. Mom, I'm at work. So how is this anything I need to be concerned with? You get all worked up over nothing.
Mom: Yeah, I hear he can get in anywhere! Aren't you just the comedian today. And I know you are at work. Is that why I keep getting your voicemail? Are you screening your old Mother? You better not if you know what is good for you.

Umm, guilty as charged. I always wonder what Moms mean when they tell you "you better not if you know what is good for you". Someone needs to explain that to me. Come on though, how much more of manhunt and bear talk do I need to go over with her? Moral of the story, my Mom is cool, but Caller ID is cooler! ;)

This post was done in loving memory
of a friend's Mother who recently passed away.
Love your Mom for her good, bad and quirky sides.

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