Friday, July 15, 2005

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

Now that is silly, of course EXSENO loves me. The proof is on her blog where she rates my blog as her favorite, even above her own kid's and grandkid's...and they are blood! Yes, now that is true love. So if you want to see what my favorite "boxing granny" is up to, go check out her site. Everyone bow down and pay respect to the wise - wise being the fact that she enjoys my blog so you know the woman is S-M-A-R-T. Plus she always has something kind and encouraging to say to me when I'm having a particular bad time or rough day. I truly appreciate that. Thanks for the props EXSENO and this post is one plug back at ya. Blog on!

"My favorite site, a true computer brainiac (I should be so lucky), if you have a computer problem you can bet you will find the answers in his archives and if you can't he is always willing to give you the answer. A very kind and helpful person with a giant size heart. If I had 1/16 of his brain I would be so happy. Not to mention he never fails to have a really good post." - EXSENO

For those of you not up on your slang, here is the definition of the word "props" that I used above. Props: giving proper respect/recognition to an individual or group. Now there, don't all of you 30+ year olds feel young and hip again? ;)

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