Monday, July 18, 2005

Hate Traffic? Then Love This Hack

We all have to sit in traffic at times, some of us more often and longer than others. The morning commute to work seems bad enough, but many times the rush hour home in the evening can be worse - especially on a Friday night or holiday weekend. So what can you do? Sit there with the A/C cranked, tunes playing and do your best to keep your patience as time drags on. You are wasting precious minutes of your life that could be spent doing things you love, but unless you are in an emergency vehicle such as an ambulance or fire truck, then you are stuck sitting in line with the rest of us....or are you?

What if you had the power to turn all those red lights to green? What if you never had to try and beat the light? No more rushing thru on yellow turning to hot pink, ok it's red admit it. The cop doesn't believe your tale of how the light was morphing from this color to that color while you were right under it and you still had time to cross safely. So what if you could forget the red lights, forget the tickets and forget the waiting? Well now you can with this hack!

Some of you may of hear about a hacker who has managed to take control of the traffic lights in a Silicon Valley town for the last three months. Sunnyvale council is so worried about the antics of the hacker it has gone public in the hope that someone will turn him or her in. So far she or he has turned traffic lights to face the wrong way, mixed up the audible crosswalk signals that help guide the blind and thrown off the timing of lights to delay drivers. More recently the hacker used a cherry-picker truck to turn an overhead signal across a busy intersection. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, luckily no one has been hurt because of the pranks and the council has ruled out an insider.

Sounds like it could be a little dangerous to drive there right now, correct? Well I'm not going to show you how to confuse the blind anymore than they already may be at a crosswalk. I'm also not going to encourage you to create a massive car wreck, but I am going to tell you how this hacker has done this trick. Then I'm going to leave it up to you whether or not you want to follow in his footsteps or use your head and realize that you could get yourself into some big trouble for imitating this stunt. What I am supplying here is for "information purposes only". That means I'm not liable for your dumbass. So please, think. I'll educate you, but that doesn't mean you have to use the knowledge for "evil". Use it to better understand how a hacker thinks, what motivates him and how the majority of hackers perform hacks not always to just please themselves, but so society can get a kick out of it too. So now the naughty link you've all been waiting for. It's called the Dirty MIRT (Do It Yourself Mobile Infra Red Transmitter).

Speaking of traffic...did you know that last week here on the blog, I average 55 hits a day and nearly 400 total visitors for the week? It's been one of my more heavily trafficked weeks on the net. Not too bad for a little blog.

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