Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Jessica Simpson, You Make Me Very "Happy"

If you haven't heard already, guys can't seem to get enough of seeing the photos and video from Paris Hilton's burger commercial. In it Paris is provocatively washing a car while somehow selling you on a fast food restaurant. What does a scantly dressed blonde in a bikini and heals rubbing herself on a car full of wet suds have to do with hamburgers? Well nothing of course and who cares? It's still great eye candy and caught alot of guy's "attention". It's hot and it sold me...even if I have no clue in remembering what the name of the burger joint was. That part is not important. What's important is that sexism is still alive and well! Ha-ha. Anyway, it's bravo advertising in my book. Not to be outdone, Jessica Simpson is staring in her own little video letting everyone know why she is "The Sweetest Sin". Here is a arousing peak at it...

Watch The Full Video Here

Jessica's is a little more tasteful and in my opinion way sexier! It's a music video for her latest song titled "These Boots Are Made For Walking". It comes from the movie "The Dukes Of Hazard" where she plays no other than Miss Daisy Duke - very fitting role. I understand she had to workout for months to get into shape for the part and wow does it show! Whether her IQ is lower than Paris Hilton's or not, she looks incredible and this video is one of her best. As long as she doesn't ask if "Chicken By The Sea" is chicken or tuna, then she is a 10! (Just for the record, yes I know who she looks like and reminds you of, so let's not go there.) Jessica, anytime you are ready to leave Nick, you are more than welcome to come walking my way. I love J Lo, but I certainly wouldn't kick Jessica out of my bed. Hell, there is enough room for BOTH of you!In the famous words of Paris Hilton...that's hot!

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