Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Let Your Blog Expose Your Talents And Cash-In

The other day I was happy to hear some good news from someone who has become a somewhat regular reader and contributor here on my blog. Her name is Anisa and although I hardly know her, I can honestly say I'm proud of her recent accomplishment of becoming a columnist for a newspaper. What makes this special and "blog post worthy" is that her blog landed her the job! Keep in mind this type of thing doesn't happen everyday. It's rare to turn your love of blogging into getting paid to blog. Her everyday posts at Access-Anisa have helped make her dream of becoming a paid columnist come true. She's a great writer and has some pretty funny stuff on her site, so go check it out if you haven't already. And no, I did not get paid to plug her blog. I am just doing it because I feel a congratulations is due and I wanted to give everyone a real life story of how one blogger turned her passion for writing into a career. Well done Anisa!

In other related news. I've been reading that some bloggers are making MILLIONS of dollars from using AdSense on their sites. Millions? I have a hard time believing they made that much off of it. Perhaps they had some type of a "trick" to get people to click. Some sites tell you that you must "click here or vote here or visit here" in order to continue, view their site or download a file. I never do that stuff. It bothers me if a site MAKES me click something in order to visit or download from there. I think it's a scam. Legit bloggers that do use AdSense or another ad revenue service, I hope you make a little something off your blog. Many bloggers deserve to get a nice kickback after all the time they put into it. So those of you out there trying to make some side money off your blog or turn it into a full time paying gig, I wish you luck because it's not easy to do that. Although stories like Anisa's make us all believers that it can be done.

Related Post: 06/08/05 Turn Your Blog Into Cold Hard Cash

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