Thursday, July 21, 2005

Grounds For A First Date "Dumpage"

Everyone has been on a bad first date before, right? Well what if your date took you to a toilet-themed restaurant? You heard that right. A restaurant that not only has it's decor replicating the atmosphere of a bathroom, but it goes as far as to having their guests sit on actual toilets and eat out of toilet shaped dishes! Gross or genius? Only you can decide. In Taiwan "The Martun", or toilet in Chinese, is the place you need to go. Just expect to "wait in line" to eat/use the restaurant/bathroom there. Personally, I feel this idea would be best suited in a Mexican style restaurant because of the spicy food. We all know what a bean burrito can do to your insides. Mix that with first date jitters along with some questionable Jose Cuervo tequila and you will be paying many visits to the porcelain throne.

I'm also thinking the morbidly obsess would enjoy frequenting this type of establishment. It just makes sense to them. Sit down stuffing your face and never have to burn a calorie by getting off you ass to go the bathroom - just eat and release right at the table. It's the way Mother Nature intended it to be and the way a baby does it. So why is everyone feeling so squeamish about this idea? Ahh, lack of manners. That's a surprising argument since it sounds like such a classy place on paper - TP that is. Another benefit is that it would save your bulimic date from having to excuse herself to go to the bathroom and barf up the $50 dish you just bought her.

So it is safe to say that if a guy took his date to eat/poop there, that he most likely won't be getting a second date with her. Hmm, I wonder how they wash the dishes, Clorox drop-ins perhaps? My biggest question is...if the food tastes like shit, then what - send it back, flush it away or assume it is shit you are eating and just enjoy?

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