Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Victoria's Secret Is To "Think Pink"

Ahhh, yeah. My jaw dropped too when I got this flyer in the mail with a sexy model sprawling, nearly nude, to showcase her tiny sheer pink panties. Above her head were big bold letters saying "THINK PINK". It appears the secret is out! It also appears that Victoria is messing with all of our heads. I believe their new slogan is a play on words, has 2 different meanings. If you can't figure it out, well then I'm sorry but I'm not going to spell it out for you. I can however guide you to a "Need To Get Laid This Decade Clinic" if you are that rusty when it comes to sexual connotations. I am going to give the #1 lingerie store (and one of personal favorite places to shop and browse) the benefit of the doubt here. Let's say the slogan means this...

Think Pink is what VS wants women to have on their mind when shopping for underwear. They want women to associate the color pink with the store Victoria's Secret. Harmless enough right? Ok now turn the estrogen switch off now and flip on the testosterone switch. Then let me tell you what a guy thinks when we hears this slogan. To us "think pink" means, well you know. What else do you expect us to think? We think about it all the time as it is already, do we really need a slogan to remind us? I know, we are sickos with sex on the brain 24/7, so what's your point? That is just stating the obvious. Perhaps VS goal is to get men to somehow associate pink with the store. Is it possible? Sure anything is possible, but not likely we will make that connection in our cave-like minds. We will just associate pink with something else and head to VS. Either way we remember it, it's still getting us in there to shop so mission accomplished. Brilliant advertising scheme there on the part of Victoria's Secret.

No matter what, I just love the fact that I have been on the VS mailing list for years now, ha-ha. You gotta love getting that softcore complementary/free porn in the mail. Well it's not porn, but it is defiantly easy on the eyes. Only tip guys, you must keep your credit card at Victoria's Secret semi-active on a regular basis to stay on their mailing list. A few years back the running joke got out and the store caught onto the fact that more men where signing up to get the catalog than women. Most of these guys didn't have any intention of actually buying anything. They just liked (cough) "reading" it. Sad I know. So the store decided to drop the non-buyers off their mailing list. Boo-hoo for those that got dumped, but then come on, how can you just look and not want to buy and enjoy it on someone? That's the best part!

Personally the only thing I find sexier than their lingerie is a girl who pairs her panties up with one of my dress shirts half buttoned. Wow! Yes, I graduated from the college days where the sexiest thing to me was seeing my girlfriend sleeping in my boxer shorts or just wearing my frat tee and that's it. Don't get me wrong, that is still a sexy image for a woman. And tight tanks, baby t-shirts, thongs? Yum, don't get me started on those. ;)

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