Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Post A Secret, An Outlet For Anonymous Voices

Yesterday I came across a blog with a very interesting and unique idea. They ask for people to anonymously send in postcards with their deepest, darkest secret on them. The postcards are then scanned into a computer and uploaded on the blog. The secrets vary from funny little things like a woman who masturbated so much that she pulled a neck muscle (but told her husband she got injured from moving furniture), to secrets of people who are now in their 40s and for the first time are admitting they have hid the fact they were molested as a child. So it can be depressing to read at times, but it also makes you feel better knowing that you are not alone in being the only one that may hold a similar secret.

Among the countless postcards that are on the blog, there is also a section of reader's comments. The comments come from around the world from people who have visited the site and those who have actually submitted a postcard of their own. One comment in particular caught my eye and I think sums up the blog very well...

"On Monday night a boy jumped out of his dorm room window on the 8th floor of a dorm at my school. No one knows why he did it, one of my very closest friends was good friends with him and he didn't really see it coming. I wish Morgan had known about this site because I think maybe he would have realized that there are a lot of people who don't feel like they fit in anywhere, and some people believe that's why he decided to end it. Seeing some of these secrets is really shocking and heart breaking but in the end it just draws everyone closer together as a people. And who knows, someone's secret might reach out and save someone's life." - New York

For many people, keeping a secret is very stressful emotionally and physically. You feel like you can't open up and share with anyone. If you can take the first step in finding the courage to speak out, sometimes just telling the secret will lift alot of pain and help ease your mind. The sheer weight of carrying this burden on your shoulders and holding it within yourself can be enough to make anyone crumble. It's ok to feel weak at times and it's ok to let it out. After all, we are only human and it's perfectly normal to feel trapped by a secret. So if you have a secret that is eating at you, why not share it in an anonymous voice. You will feel like you have finally been heard for the first time, while still holding onto your privacy and protecting your true identity. Don't be afraid. Go grab a postcard, get creative and release yourself to be heard on www.postsecret.blogspot.com

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