Friday, July 1, 2005

11,000+ Visitors To The Blog Can't Be Wrong

Another month has come and gone and now I have 6 months of blogging complete, whew! That's alot of posting and it's now summer. That could only mean one thing - vacation time! Yeah I need one and so does "someone else" I know, but I'll touch on that topic another day. If you didn't happen to notice, let me brag for a minute and say I have over 11,000 hits on the blog as of today. Not too bad huh? I might get more into that and break down some other stats in a post later this week. For now, as always, here are some of the highlights and a quick recap of the past month on the blog...

Sex sells and even Carry is checking out

Around the WWW an increasing number of people are selling their foreheads and other various body parts off on eBay to be used as billboard space. Later I announced that the 2nd round of the dot-com boom may be upon us - cha ching! Evil is lurking online and in the tech world with a PC crashing exploit/trick. I choose to share that with all so you could cause havoc with it - fun wasn't it? Not to be outdone, evil struck AOL extra hard with an increase in spam and virus spreading galore on their systems. Bluetooth sniper rifles caught the attention and opened the eyes of many of my readers, being that for some it was the first time ever hearing of such an activity. Lastly, yet another fellow hacker was handed his jail sentence.

It's no secret that sex sells and it was a "hot topic" this month on my blog! From the birth of .xxx porn domain extensions, to virtual strippers, to how to give the slip to annoying guys and girls at a bar. Even video games are simulating sex these days and allowing you to "play" along. Then there are fat children running around wearing t-shirts with sexual offensive slogans plastered on them. If that wasn't enough, the best is that there are chicks getting naked and using their body to display their love and support for me and my blog. Ah, it just keeps getting better.

Current events included the Jacko trial ending with a not guilty verdict. It left many with mixed emotions. There were lots of comments from readers on the outcome and it drew enough attention that I even opened a new voting poll on it. The once "Iron" Mike Tyson ended his career with a fizzle which then was followed with the Spurs clutching the NBA Championship, but even that couldn't light a fire and make the NBA exciting again - another sports fizzle.

In blogging news I showed you how to make cash from your blog and how to let a machine do automated blogging for you so you could detach yourself from your keyboard. I even included 2 fake sign generator posts and had alot of people fooled. The staff added a better image hosting system and I started compiling a small list of links to celeb blogs that some may find interesting reading.

On a more personal "note", I discovered a new hidden talent in myself that I could play the piano note for note without ever laying hands on one before. I also discovered that I had a month full of disappointments in my career and personal life. All of which I am still trying to overcome and make better by taking it one day at a time. I had some new moblog photos to share along with some girly styled posts that let everyone see a more intimate side of who I am. Finally to let everyone peer into my life a little closer, I decided to share a photo of myself and add it to my blog profile. Just don't claim it as yours like some other weirdo did on CraigsList - long story, don't ask.

So there you have it. It's July 1st now and it's officially summer time. Here's to another month of blogging (as long as I feel the inspiration and have the time to continue). I hope all of you will come back to see what I have in store for this month.

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