Sunday, July 17, 2005

Serial Killer Or Computer Programmer

Before anyone freaks out, let me say you don't need to be scared of me even though I fit perfectly into the typical profile for a serial killer - young, single, white male in his 20s. Also don't be frightened to the fact that serial killers of all kinds have always fascinated me. Not that I want to be one, but it just amazes me how a brain can be so different from everyone else's. I always loved psychology and abnormal psych was by far my favorite course that I ever took in college. Who can forget guys like Jeffrey Dahmer, a real life Hannibal Lecture!

His apartment reeked of decomposing meat. They found chloroform and formaldehyde, dozens of Polaroids he had taken of the victims while they were tied up and butchered, 55-gallon drums of muriatic acid and dissolving body parts, plus the freezer full of heads all neatly packaged in plastic bags (to prevent freezer burn?). The infamous photo shown above, of the men in chem suits carrying out the remains from inside Dahmer's apartment, made everyone's eyes bulge in horror and disbelief. Admit it, it fascinated you also.

Now I don't think anyone will argue with me when I say serial killers are some freaky people. I also think alot of people will agree in saying computer programmers can be "freaky people" too. Like serial killers, many are outcasts/loners and just plain strange. The big question is, can you tell the difference between a serial killer and a computer programmer? Sounds easy, right? Well let's see how well you do on "Serial Killer Or Computer Programmer" which is a 10 question game. Post your scores in the comment section and try to beat my score of 9/10 correct. Thanks to my Mom, of all people, for the link.

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