Thursday, July 7, 2005

Hurricane Cindy Washed My Net Away

It's only early July but already it seems we have our first hurricane of the season and her name is Hurricane Cindy. Normally hurricane season isn't until September, but Cindy decided to pay a visit early and a rotten visitor she is. She is one cruel heartless b*tch. Cindy has begun ripping up the east coast, mostly in the Caribbean, and the affects can be felt all the way up to where I live and even into NY (or so I hear). In short, Hurricane Cindy is now mixing in with Hurricane Dennis and bringing lots of tropical rain and high wind storms. Nearby tree limbs falling on power lines have caused outages, including taking out my DSL line - bastards!

Now my house hasn't been washed away or anything like that, but just as bad my Internet access has! I know, you are either gasping or laughing depending on if you're a tech head or not. To a tech guy, the net is important. Well it's more than important, it helps pay my bills. I need to get online for work and other things and not having the ability to do that at home is beyond annoying and frustrating. So for 2 days now it has been off.

Am I having withdrawal? Yeah a little, but only because I need it for work. Otherwise I am kind of enjoying doing other things non-computer related. Although the past few days it has made me realize how dependent I am on technology in my everyday life. It's like when I'm out and my cell phone battery dies and I don't have a charger or an extra battery on me. It drives me nuts! I feel like a part of me is missing and I'm not even that addicted to my cell phone like some people are. You won't see it glued to my ear every minute of the day and I'll be the first to vote in favor of banning cell phones while driving. (Sorry to those that disagree, but 99% of people CAN NOT drive well while BSing on the phone. Accident statistics will prove that if you don't believe me.) I'm sure you can name a few pieces of modern day technology that you couldn't live without. In the meantime until it's back up, I am "forced to steal my access". It's a harmless piggyback ride on someone else's Wi-Fi. Shh, don't tell.

You don't realize what you have until it's gone and it's so easy to take life's little connivances for granted. Remember I was born at a time where I don't even know life before MTV existed. Video games have always been around and I wouldn't of made it thru college without the Internet as my main source for research...the old fashion library still existed, but who uses that these days? Ok so now I know how good I have it/had it and I'll be more appreciative and all that other crap, blah blah blah. Now just give me back my net Cindy!

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