Saturday, June 4, 2005

You Have A Life. AutoBlogger Helps You Live It.

As anyone who has ever had one can tell you, the experience of running a popular blog/online journal is a double-edged sword. While it may be gratifying to know your words are viewed by hundreds or even thousands of readers per day, the challenge of developing fresh content on a regular basis remains a constant struggle for even the most creative of souls. In the cutthroat world of online writing, every blogger is only as good as his last update. You have a life. AutoBlogger helps you live it.

So what is AutoBlogger you ask? AutoBlogger is a powerful content-authoring software tool designed for online columnists and bloggers. Upon installation, AutoBlogger uses a sophisticated Artificial Intelligence algorithm to "read" the public entries of your journal/blog to triangulate a sense of your writing style. From that point forward, any time you hit a writer's block, want to take a vacation or simply wish to step away from your computer for a few days, AutoBlogger can be set to take over. It uses what it has learned about your posting and writing patterns to author original content in a voice consistent with your existing prose. AutoBlogger frees the busy blogger to a life outside computers, by giving your readers the impression you are constantly online. Intrigued? Read more at

Remember the old Apple switch commercials? Well the video above is a spin-off on that idea for AutoBlogger. I love this guy, it's my sentiments exactly! Perhaps one day I'll try AutoBlogger here on my blog and see if anyone even notices. ;)

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