Wednesday, June 1, 2005

6 Months Down, Another 6 To Go

Today I hit my 6 month mark here on the blog. If you remember, a few days ago I was debating whether or not the whole blogging "been there, done that" phase had worn out because I was finding it difficult to find the motivation to make a new worthwhile post day after day. I think sometimes pushing yourself can be a bad thing, well at least when it comes to creativity. Creativity/writing is something that is either there or it isn't, sort of like chemistry in a relationship. You can't force it no matter how much you want it to happen. If it's just not there and you push yourself to make it appear, more than likely you will not be happy with the outcome. In terms of blogging, it will result in dull posts and you can tell when someone isn't enthusiastic about what they write. The way I see it, if it doesn't interest me, then I don't' write about it.

After all, I've always said that I do this blog more for myself than anyone else. I have always felt that even if nobody knew this little blogspot existed, that I would still post to it. Although now I'm not really sure. I felt that way before because I enjoyed posting, but now I feel it's become a little "mundane" (I think that is the best word to describe it). I think sometimes what makes a good blog isn't always the posts, but the reader's feedback - the comments. I've seen this happen even on my own blog. I will post something short and simple like a moblog pic and from there it's the comments from my readers that make it good. Here are just 2 examples of what I mean.

Before I make this into another rambling post, let me wrap this up and say I'll do my best to keep the blog going, but I can't promise anything. I need to find some motivation...and fast. Perhaps if you keep the comments flowing in, then that may inspire me to go from there - feed off of that in a sense. Sounds silly I know, but hopefully you understand what I mean. I'm considering adding my photo to the blog on the sidebar just to add a little color and change it up. I get bored fast with the same look on sites, so you may see some changes as far as the template is concerned. I've also added a search feature at the bottom of my sidebar. It will allow you to search within this blog via keywords and phrases. It's powered by Feedster, so you may get better results than the standard built-in search that Blogger/Google offers at the top of everyone's blog.

If you haven't voted in the "Name My New Pal" poll yet, then do so now. I'll be taking it down shortly. So far the name "Sushi" is winning with 50% of the votes. "iFish" is coming in a close second with 25% of the votes and the names "Steve" and "Mac" are tied at 13% a piece. Thanks to those that voted. Now I have one less thing to do in life - name my fish. :P

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