Tuesday, June 14, 2005

New Found Talent At Tickling The Ivory

Awhile back I said I was going to post about a rather odd/interesting little hidden talent I found within myself. Since then, I've been caught up with other post topics and just haven't sat down to write this up, until now. Let me start by saying this probably amazed me more than anyone. I have no idea where this came from, it just "appeared" is the only way I can describe it. There's an old saying "God works in mysterious ways". Well if that is true, this is perhaps THE MOST MYSTERIOUS of all ways...ever!

One Saturday afternoon I was on my way to pick up a buddy. He was over at his girlfriend's parent's house, so that is where I had to swing by. Now I've never been there before, but I have met her Mom and I'm comfortable around her. She is one of those "make yourself at home" types of women, which is cool. Upon arriving at her house, she told me to make myself at home, so I did. While I was waiting for my buddy to come downstairs, I noticed she had a piano in her living room. I thought I would entertain myself, you know just mess around. I knew I could play "Figaro" or "Mary Had A Little Lamb", but that is about the extent of it. Although I never expected this to come out...

I'm sure you have all heard The Backstreet Boys (or as some call them, The Backdoor Boys) are back, yes back again. Goodie right (sarcasm)? If you've heard their new song titled "Incomplete" then you have noticed it is mostly piano. Now before you laugh, I'm NOT a fan. I had the stereo on in my car and the song came on while I was driving over to pick up my friend. I'm rambling so let me tell you how this ties in together. By the way, you can download the song here and view the lyrics here.

For whatever reason the song didn't really stick in my head, nor did I find it all that catchy when I first heard it. In fact I wasn't even thinking of the song and I bet if you had asked me at that moment to hum it, I couldn't even do that. THAT is how much I "thought" I paid attention to it when it came on the radio. Now are you ready for the really weird part? Well I sat down at this piano, which by the way I've never had any musical practice on anything before in my life, and out of nowhere a perfect remediation of the song "Incomplete" came out of me! Yeah, what? That is what I thought too. I was actually a little freaked out.

Now I don't know how to read music and there wasn't even the song playing in the background, lyrics laying around or anything to help me along. It just came out of me note by note and right on cue. It was very strange indeed. So strange that it stopped everyone else in the house dead in their tracks when they heard it. As soon as I heard people coming downstairs to see what was going on, I stopped playing and acted like I was just wondering around looking out the window. I didn't know what to think. Perhaps it was just a fluke or it was my imagination. I even thought for a moment that what if someone hears or sees me, that I won't be able to do it again. The whole thing was just so bizarre to me that I couldn't make heads or tails out of the situation. Should I be proud or should I feel creeped out? I decided to take the oddest route of all, I pretended it wasn't me playing. Obviously not the most brilliant move I've ever made.

To wrap my tale up, everyone in the house found me out - so much for the "pretend it wasn't me alibi". Naturally the phrases of "how did you do that", "I didn't know you played" and "do it again" where repeated over and over to me. To be honest, I have no clue if that song is hard to play or not. I know nothing about keys, bars or whatever you call it. My question to those who made it thru this lengthy post (sorry about that), is this normal? I don't think it is, but how rare is it to be able to do that without ever playing before? I defiantly don't think I am some musical prodigy or anything like that. I just think it's really, really strange. I still don't know how to feel about it. Anyone have some insight on this for me? I would appreciate the thoughts. Thanks!

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