Friday, June 17, 2005

I'm Exhausted, Drained To The Last Drop

First let me start by saying, don't read the title of this post as sexual. I know how your filthy mind works because my head is in the gutter most of the time too! I will blame it on my age...what's your excuse? ;) I had a moblog shot of RedBull awhile back, but not even "the bull jiz juice" (see this post to understand what I mean by that term) can refresh my body and mind at this point. Believe me, I tried - just drank a can of RedBull and it had no affect on me at all. Therefore, I'm going to try some new Mountain Dew Amp energy drink.

I'm just feeling emotionally and physically beat lately. Between work, women (sorry) and just alot of other things is causing me to crash. I'm going to try and get a good night sleep here as soon as I finish this post (posting this early on Thursday) and hope that helps. It's not like I don't exercise, eat right and stuff - I do actually alot. I was even a good boy and skipped going out with the guys drinking tonight so I could just catch up on some R&R. To make matters worse, I think I have a bit of insomnia and that's when I DON'T drink RedBull, Amp or anything like that. I can't help it. I've had problems sleeping well since college and I do have alot of messed up dreams/nightmares (see dream/nightmare posts - part 1 and part 2) so that probably just adds to it. I can be dead tired but as soon as I lay down, my head races and keeps me wide awake. It's annoying, frustrating and finally really taking it's toll on me. Even my attitude is a bit "jerkish" lately. Almost everyone and everything is irritating the hell out of me. I apologize.

I feel like an old man today. Nobody should feel this depleted in their 20s. I'm usually the energizer bunny when it comes to everything, but maybe my batteries just need a little recharging and I'll be good to go - just like new again. Let's hope that happens fast because one thing I don't like feeling is lazy. I think a need a vacation. It's a matter of finding the time to do it. I'll have to make time for that soon because I feel like sh*t and desperately need a break from things. Thanks for listening to me b*tch and moan. Now for the good news, the weekend is here! So go and enjoy.

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