Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Brutally Honest, Straight And To The Point

Here's a kid that knows how to sweep the ladies off their feet! He doesn't BS around. He gets his message out there loud and clear. It's simply said in black and white - literally. There is no such thing as a "gray area" in understanding him. There is no wondering, asking questions or trying to analyze his inner most thoughts. No, this boy tells it like it is. You have to have respect for someone who is well ahead of his time. If the future brings me a son, I only hope he will be like this kid...minus 50lbs. ;)

I added a profile pic to my blog. Thanks to EXSENO for hosting it for me! So for anyone that doesn't know me in real life and is wondering just who writes this superb blog, now you can see. :P

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